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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication BAG-1 overexpression attenuates luminal apoptosis in MCF-10A mammary epithelial cells through enhanced RAF-1 activation
Anderson, L.R.; Sutherland, R.L.; Butt, A.J.
ONCOGENE 29 :527?538, 2010 onc2009362 [pii] 10.1038/onc.2009.362
OpenAccess publication Does skeletal muscle oxidative stress initiate insulin resistance in genetically-predisposed individuals?
Samocha-Bonet, D.; Heilbronn, L.K.; Lichtenberg, D.; Campbell, L.V.
TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 21 (2) :83-88, 2010 S1043-2760(09)00159-3 [pii] 10.1016/j.tem.2009.09.008
OpenAccess publication Overexpression of the orphan receptor Nur77 alters glucose metabolism in rat muscle cells and rat muscle in vivo
Kanzleiter, T.; Preston, E.; Wilks, D.; Ho, B.; Benrick, A.; Reznick, J.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Turner, N.; Cooney, G. J.
DIABETES 1792 :777-82, 2010 S0925-4439(09)00101-X [pii] 10.1016/j.bbadis.2009.05.002
OpenAccess publication PI3K pathway activation in breast cancer is associated with the basal-like phenotype and cancer-specific mortality
Lopez Knowles, E.; O'Toole, S.A.; McNeil, C.M.; Millar, E.K.A.; Qiu, M.R.; Crea, P.; Daly, R.J.; Musgrove, E.A.; Sutherland, R.L.;
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 126 (5) :1121-1131, 2010 10.1002/ijc.24831
OpenAccess publication Consolidation of the cancer genome into domains of repressive chromatin by long-range epigenetic silencing (LRES) reduces transcriptional plasticity
Coolen, M.W., Stirzaker, C., Song, J.Z., Statham, A.L., Kassir, Z., Moreno, C.S., Young, A.N., Varma, V., Speed, T.P., Cowley, M., Lacaze, P., Kaplan, W., Robinson, M.D.; Clark, S.J.
NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 12 (3) :235, 2010 10.1038/ncb2023
OpenAccess publication T cell receptor-dependent regulation of lipid rafts controls naive CD8+ T cell homeostasis
Cho, J. H.; Kim, H. O.; Surh, C. D.; Sprent, J.:
IMMUNITY 32 (2) :214-226, 2010 S1074-7613(10)00038-5 [pii] 10.1016/j.immuni.2009.11.014
OpenAccess publication High Notch1 protein expression is an early event in breast cancer development and is associated with the HER-2 molecular subtype
Zardawi, S.J.; Zardawi, I.; McNeil, C.M.; Millar, E.K.A.; McLeod, D.; Morey, A.L.; Crea, P.; Murphy, N.C.; Pinese, M.; Lopez-Knowles, E.; Oakes, S.R.; Ormandy, C.J.; Qiu, M.R.; Hamilton, A.; Spillane, A.J.; Soon Lee, C.; Sutherland, R.L.; Musgrove, E.A.; O'Toole, S.A.
HISTOPATHOLOGY 56 (3) :286-296, 2010 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2009.03475.x
OpenAccess publication Schizophrenia-relevant behaviours in a genetic mouse model for Y2 deficiency
Karl, T.; Chesworth, R.; Duffy, L.; Herzog, H.:
BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 207 (2) :434-40, 2010 S0166-4328(09)00638-X [pii] 10.1016/j.bbr.2009.10.029
OpenAccess publication Enhanced responsiveness to T-cell help causes loss of B-lymphocyte tolerance to a beta-cell neo-self-antigen in type 1 diabetes prone NOD mice
Cox, S. L.; Stolp, J.; Hallahan, N. L.; Counotte, J.; Zhang, W.; Serreze, D. V.; Basten, A.; Silveira, P. J.:
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 40 (12) :3413-25, 2010 10.1002/eji.201040817
OpenAccess publication Efficacy of weight loss drugs on obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in obese adolescents
Czernichow, S.; Lee, C. M.; Barzi, F.; Greenfield, J. R.; Baur, L. A.; Chalmers, J.; Woodward, M.; Huxley, R. R.
Obesity Reviews 11 (2) :150-158, 2010 OBR620 [pii] 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2009.00620.x
OpenAccess publication Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: analysis of an experienced open surgeon?s learning curve after 300 procedures.
Doumerc, N.; Yuen, C.; Savdie, R.; Rahman, B.; PeBenito, R.; Stricker, P.
Journal of Robotic Surgery 3 (4) :229-234, 2010 10.1007/s11701-010-0171-5
OpenAccess publication RB in breast cancer: Differential effects in estrogen receptor-positive and estrogen receptor-negative disease.
Musgrove, E.A.; Sutherland, R.L.
CELL CYCLE 9 (23) :4607, 2010
OpenAccess publication Differential expression of CD21 identifies developmentally and functionally distinct subsets of human transitional B cells.
Suryani, S.; Fulcher, D. A.; Santner-Nanan, B.; Nanan, R.; Wong, M.; Shaw, P. J.; Gibson, J.; Williams, A.; Tangye, S. G.
Blood 115 (3) :519-29, 2010 blood-2009-07-234799 [pii] 10.1182/blood-2009-07-234799
OpenAccess publication B cell-intrinsic signaling through IL-21 receptor and STAT3 is required for establishing long-lived antibody responses in humans
Avery, D. T.; Deenick, E. K.; Ma, C. S.; Suryani, S.; Simpson, N.; Chew, G. Y.; Chan, T. D.; Palendira, U.; Bustamante, J.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Choo, S.; Bleasel, K. E.; Peake, J.; King, C.; French, M. A.; Engelhard, D.; Al-Hajjar, S.; Al-Muhsen, S.; Magdorf, K.; Roesler, J.; Arkwright, P. D.; Hissaria, P.; Riminton, D. S.; Wong, M.; Brink, R.; Fulcher, D. A.; Casanova, J. L.; Cook, M. C.; Tangye, S. G.:
OpenAccess publication Collagen and calcium-binding EGF domains 1 is frequently inactivated in ovarian cancer by aberrant promoter hypermethylation and modulates cell migration and survival
Barton, C.A., Gloss, B.S., Qu, W., Statham, A.L., Hacker, N.F., Sutherland, R.L., Clark, S.J.; O'Brien, P.M.
British Journal of Cancer 102 (1) :87-96, 2010 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605429
Delayed stress-induced differences in locomotor and depression-related behaviour in female neuropeptide-Y Y1 receptor knockout mice
Painsipp, E.; Sperk, G.; Herzog, H.; Holzer, P.;