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International network of cancer genome projects


The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) was launched to coordinate large-scale cancer genome studies in tumours from 50 different cancer types and/or subtypes that are of clinical and societal importance across the globe. Systematic studies of more than 25,000 cancer genomes at the genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic levels will reveal the repertoire of oncogenic mutations, uncover traces of the mutagenic influences, define clinically relevant subtypes for prognosis and therapeutic management, and enable the development of new cancer therapies.

Type Journal
ISBN 1476-4687 (Electronic) 0028-0836 (Linking)
Authors Hudson TJ, Anderson W, Aretz A, Barker AD, Bell C, Bernab RR, Bhan MK, Calvo F, Eerola I, Gerhard DS, Guttmacher A, Guyer M, Hemsley FM, Jennings JL, Kerr D, Klatt P, Kolar P, Kusuda J, Lane DP, Laplace F, Lu Y, Nettekoven G, Ozenberger B, Peterson J, Rao TS, Remacle J, Schafer AJ, Shibata T, Stratton MR, Vockley JG, Watanabe K, Yang H, Yuen MM, Knoppers BM, Bobrow M, Cambon-Thomsen A, Dressler LG, Dyke SO, Joly Y, Kato K, Kennedy KL, Nicols P, Parker MJ, Rial-Sebbag E, Romeo-Casabona CM, Shaw KM, Wallace S, Wiesner GL, Zeps N, Lichter P, Biankin AV, Chabannon C, Chin L, Clment B, de Alava E, Degos F, Ferguson ML, Geary P, Hayes DN, Johns AL, Kasprzyk A, Nakagawa H, Penny R, Piris MA, Sarin R, Scarpa A, van de Vijver M, Futreal PA, Aburatani H, Bays M, Bowtell DDL, Campbell PJ, Estivill X, Grimmond SM, Gut I, Hirst M, Lpez-Otn C, Majumder P, Marra M, McPherson JD, Ning Z, Puente XS, Ruan Y, Stunnenberg HG, Swerdlow H, Velculescu VE, Wilson RK, Xue HH, Yang L, Spellman PT, Bader GD, Boutros PC, Flicek P, Getz G, Guig R, Guo G, Haussler D, Heath S, Hubbard TJ, Jiang T, Jones SM, Li Q, Lpez-Bigas N, Luo R, Muthuswamy L, Ouellette BF, Pearson JV, Quesada V, Raphael BJ, Sander C, Speed TP, Stein LD, Stuart JM, Teague JW, Totoki Y, Tsunoda T, Valencia A, Wheeler DA, Wu H, Zhao S, Zhou G, Lathrop M, Thomas G, Yoshida T, Axton M, Gunter C, Miller LJ, Zhang J, Haider SA, Wang J, Yung CK, Cross A, Liang Y, Gnaneshan S, Guberman J, Hsu J, Chalmers DR, Hasel KW, Kaan TS, Lowrance WW, Masui T, Rodriguez LL, Vergely C, Cloonan N, DeFazio A, Eshleman JR, Etemadmoghadam D, Gardiner BA, Kench JG, Sutherland RL, Tempero MA, Waddell NJ, Wilson PJ, Gallinger S, Tsao MS, Shaw PA, Petersen GM, Mukhopadhyay D, DePinho RA, Thayer S, Shazand K, Beck T, Sam M, Timms L, Ballin V, Ji J, Zhang X, Chen F, Hu X, Yang Q, Tian G, Zhang L, Xing X, Li X, Zhu Z, Yu Y, Yu J, Tost J, Brennan P, Holcatova I, Zaridze D, Brazma A, Egevad L, Prokhortchouk E, Banks RE, Uhln M, Viksna J, Ponten F, Skryabin K, Birney E, Borg A, Brresen-Dale AL, Caldas C, Foekens JA, Martin S, Reis-Filho JS, Richardson AL, Sotiriou C, van't Veer L, Birnbaum D, Blanche H, Boucher P, Boyault S, Masson-Jacquemier JD, Pauport I, Pivot X, Vincent-Salomon A, Tabone E, Theillet C, Treilleux I, Bioulac-Sage P, Decaens T, Franco D, Gut M, Samuel D, Zucman-Rossi J, Eils R, Brors B, Korbel JO, Korshunov A, Landgraf P, Lehrach H, Pfister S, Radlwimmer B, Reifenberger G, Taylor MD, von Kalle C, Pederzoli P, Lawlor RT, Delledonne M, Bardelli A, Gress T, Klimstra D, Zamboni G, Nakamura Y, Miyano S, Fujimoto A, Campo E, de Sanjos S, Montserrat E, Gonzlez-Daz M, Jares P, Himmelbaue H, Bea S, Aparicio S, Easton DF, Collins FS, Compton CC, Lander ES, Burke W, Green AR, Hamilton SR, Kallioniemi OP, Ley TJ, Liu ET, Wainwright BJ.
Publisher Name NATURE
Published Date 2010-04-15
Published Volume 464
Published Issue 7291
Published Pages 993-998
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1038/nature08987
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version