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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Targeting mTOR dependency in pancreatic cancer
Morran, D. C. ; Wu, J. ; Jamieson, N. B. ; Mrowinska, A. ; Kalna, G. ; Karim, S. A. ; Au, A. Y. ; Scarlett, C. J. ; Chang, D. K. ; Pajak, M. Z. ; Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome, Initiative ; Oien, K. A. ; McKay, C. J. ; Carter, C. R. ; Gillen, G. ; Champion, S. ; Pimlott, S. L. ; Anderson, K. I. ; Evans, T. R. ; Grimmond, S. M. ; Biankin, A. V. ; Sansom, O. J. ; Morton, J. P.;
GUT 63 (9) :1481-9, 2014
OpenAccess publication The effects of antipsychotic switching on diabetes in chronic schizophrenia
Arnoldy, R.; Curtis, J.; Samaras, K.;
DIABETIC MEDICINE 31 (3) :e16-9, 2014
OpenAccess publication Reduced glucocerebrosidase is associated with increased alpha-synuclein in sporadic Parkinson's disease
Murphy, K. E. ; Gysbers, A. M. ; Abbott, S. K. ; Tayebi, N. ; Kim, W. S. ; Sidransky, E. ; Cooper, A. ; Garner, B. ; Halliday, G. M.;
BRAIN 137 (Pt 3) :834-48, 2014
OpenAccess publication First ancient mitochondrial human genome from a prepastoralist southern African
Morris, A. G. ; Heinze, A. ; Chan, E. K. ; Smith, A. B. ; Hayes, V. M.;
Genome Biology and Evolution 6 (10) :2647-53, 2014
OpenAccess publication Stability of the human pregnane X receptor is regulated by E3 ligase UBR5 and serine/threonine kinase DYRK2
Ong, S. S. ; Goktug, A. N. ; Elias, A. ; Wu, J. ; Saunders, D. ; Chen, T.;
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 459 (1) :193-203, 2014
Emerging roles for A20 in islet biology and pathology
Zammit, N. W. ; Grey, S. T.;
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 809 :141-62, 2014
OpenAccess publication Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Diagnostic Biopsy Detects Significant Prostate Cancer and could Reduce Unnecessary Biopsies and Over Detection: A Prospective Study
Thompson, J. E. ; Moses, D. ; Shnier, R. ; Brenner, P. ; Delprado, W. ; Ponsky, L. ; Pulbrook, M. ; Bohm, M. ; Haynes, A. M. ; Hayen, A. ; Stricker, P. D.;
OpenAccess publication Methylation-capture and Next-Generation Sequencing of free circulating DNA from human plasma
Warton, K. ; Lin, V. ; Navin, T. ; Armstrong, N. J. ; Kaplan, W. ; Ying, K. ; Gloss, B. ; Mangs, H. ; Nair, S. S. ; Hacker, N. F. ; Sutherland, R. L. ; Clark, S. J. ; Samimi, G.;
BMC Genomics 15 :476, 2014
OpenAccess publication c-Myc and Her2 cooperate to drive a stem-like phenotype with poor prognosis in breast cancer
Nair, R. ; Roden, D. L. ; Teo, W. S. ; McFarland, A. ; Junankar, S. ; Ye, S. ; Nguyen, A. ; Yang, J. ; Nikolic, I. ; Hui, M. ; Morey, A. ; Shah, J. ; Pfefferle, A. D. ; Usary, J. ; Selinger, C. ; Baker, L. A. ; Armstrong, N. ; Cowley, M. J. ; Naylor, M. J. ; Ormandy, C. J. ; Lakhani, S. R. ; Herschkowitz, J. I. ; Perou, C. M. ; Kaplan, W. ; O'Toole, S. A. ; Swarbrick, A
ONCOGENE 33 (30) :3992-4002, 2014
Diabetes and hyperlipidemia in treated HIV infection and approaches for cardiometabolic care
Mcmahon, C.N. ; Blanchard, E. ; Samaras, K.;
Health of HIV Infected People :Chapter 24, 2014
OpenAccess publication Exome sequencing reveals a potential mutational trajectory and treatments for a specific pancreatic cancer patient
Cotterell, J.;
OncoTargets and Therapy 7 :655-62, 2014
OpenAccess publication Association between lean mass, fat mass, and bone mineral density: a meta-analysis
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Nguyen, U. D.; Nguyen, T. V.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 99 (1) :30-8, 2014 10.1210/jc.2013-3190
OpenAccess publication Shared decision-making: the perspectives of young adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Wiley, J. ; Westbrook, M. ; Greenfield, J. R. ; Day, R. O. ; Braithwaite, J.;
Patient Preference and Adherence 8 :423-35, 2014
OpenAccess publication PI4KIIalpha phosphorylation by GSK3 directs vesicular trafficking to lysosomes
Robinson, J. W. ; Leshchyns'ka, I. ; Farghaian, H. ; Hughes, W. E. ; Sytnyk, V. ; Neely, G. G. ; Cole, A. R.;
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 464 (1) :145-56, 2014
Surface antigen profiles of leukocytes and melanoma cells in lymph node metastases are associated with survival in AJCC stage III melanoma patients
Kaufman, K. L. ; Mactier, S. ; Armstrong, N. J. ; Mallawaaratchy, D. ; Byrne, S. N. ; Haydu, L. E. ; Jakrot, V. ; Thompson, J. F. ; Mann, G. J. ; Scolyer, R. A. ; Christopherson, R. I.;
OpenAccess publication HIV is an independent predictor of aortic stiffness
Rider, O. J. ; Asaad, M. ; Ntusi, N. ; Wainwright, E. ; Clutton, G. ; Hancock, G. ; Banerjee, R. ; Pitcher, A. ; Samaras, K. ; Clarke, K. ; Neubauer, S. ; Dorrell, L. ; Holloway, C. J.;