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EGFR mutation specific immunohistochemistry is a useful adjunct which helps to identify false negative mutation testing in lung cancer


Mutations in EGFR guide treatment in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The most common mutations, exon 19 (delE746-A750) and exon 21 (L858R), can be identified by mutation specific immunohistochemistry (IHC). We present our prospective experience of universal reflex IHC and molecular testing in non-squamous NSCLC in the routine clinical setting.A total of 411 specimens from 332 patients were encountered over two years. Of these, 326 (98%) patients underwent EGFR IHC, 15 (5%) were positive for exon 19 deletions and 27 (8%) for exon 21 (L858R); 244 (73%) patients underwent molecular testing. Seventy-six mutations in 64 patients (19% of all patients encountered; 26% with sufficient material for testing) were identified. These comprised nine exon 18 (G719X) mutations, three also with exon 20 mutations; 24 exon 19 deletions, six also with exon 20 mutations; 23 exon 21 (L858R), three also with exon 20 mutations; and 8 exon 20 alone.All 15 exon 19 IHC positive patients were proven mutated (100% specificity, 63% sensitivity). Twenty-two of 27 exon 21 IHC positive cases were proven mutated while three patients had insufficient material for molecular testing (92% specificity, 96% sensitivity). The overall specificity and sensitivity of IHC for any EGFR mutation was 95% and 58%. Five patients initially thought to be wild type for EGFR but IHC positive underwent repeat molecular testing because of the discrepancy which confirmed the IHC result in three cases (60%).We conclude IHC is very specific but not sensitive. Whilst IHC cannot replace molecular testing, it is a useful adjunct which requires minimal tissue and identifies false negative molecular results which occurred in 5% of our patients with eventually confirmed EGFR mutations.

Type Journal
ISBN 1465-3931 (Electronic) 0031-3025 (Linking)
Authors Houang, M. ; Sioson, L. ; Clarkson, A. ; Watson, N. ; Farzin, M. ; Toon, C. W. ; Raut, A. ; O'Toole, S. A. ; Cooper, W. A. ; Pavlakis, N. ; Mead, S. ; Chou, A. ; Gill, A. J.;
Publisher Name PATHOLOGY
Published Date 2014-01-01
Published Volume 46
Published Issue 6
Published Pages 501-8
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version