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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Human T follicular helper cells in primary immunodeficiencies
Ma, C. S.; Uzel, G.; Tangye, S. G.
CURRENT OPINION IN PEDIATRICS 26 (6) :720-6, 2014 10.1097/MOP.0000000000000157
OpenAccess publication Immune dysregulation in human subjects with heterozygous germline mutations in CTLA4
Kuehn, H. S.; Ouyang, W.; Lo, B.; Deenick, E. K.; Niemela, J. E.; Avery, D. T.; Schickel, J. N.; Tran, D. Q.; Stoddard, J.; Zhang, Y.; Frucht, D. M.; Dumitriu, B.; Scheinberg, P.; Folio, L. R.; Frein, C. A.; Price, S.; Koh, C.; Heller, T.; Seroogy, C. M.; Huttenlocher, A.; Rao, V. K.; Su, H. C.; Kleiner, D.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Rampertaap, Y.; Olivier, K. N.; McElwee, J.; Hughes, J.; Pittaluga, S.; Oliveira, J. B.; Meffre, E.; Fleisher, T. A.; Holland, S. M.; Lenardo, M. J.; Tangye, S. G.; Uzel, G.
SCIENCE 345 (6204) :1623-7, 2014 10.1126/science.1255904
OpenAccess publication Glycemic effects and safety of L-glutamine supplementation with or without sitagliptin in Type 2 Diabetes patients-a randomized study
Samocha-Bonet, D. ; Chisholm, D. J. ; Gribble, F. M. ; Coster, A. C. ; Carpenter, K. H. ; Jones, G. R. ; Holst, J. J. ; Greenfield, J. R.;
PLoS One 9 (11) :e113366, 2014
OpenAccess publication Relationship between body mass index and fracture risk is mediated by bone mineral density.
Chan, M.Y.; Frost, S.A.; Center, J.R.; Eisman, J.A.; Nguyen, T.V.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 29 (11) :2327-35, 2014 10.1002/jbmr.2288
OpenAccess publication A lifetime on the hips: programming lower-body fat to protect against metabolic disease
Swarbrick, M.M.
DIABETES 63 (11) :3575-7, 2014
OpenAccess publication LOX-1 unlocks human plasma cell potential
Brink, R.
IMMUNITY 41 (4) :507-8, 2014 10.1016/j.immuni.2014.09.019
OpenAccess publication Castration-induced bone loss triggers growth of disseminated prostate cancer cells in bone.
Ottewell, P.D.; Wang, N.; Meek, J.; Fowles, A.M.; Croucher, P.I.; Eaton, C.L.; Holen, I.
ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 21 (5) :769-81, 2014 10.1530/ERC-14-0199
OpenAccess publication The bone marrow stromal compartment in multiple myeloma patients retains capability for osteogenic differentiation in vitro: defining the stromal defect in myeloma.
Kassen, D.; Moore, S.; Percy, L.; Herledan, G.; Bounds, D.; Rodriguez-Justo, M.; Croucher, P.; Yong, K.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 167 (2) :194-206, 2014 10.1111/bjh.13020
OpenAccess publication Inappropriate use of dual energy absorptiometry body composition estimation
Pocock, N. A. ; Chen, W.;
OpenAccess publication Identification of aggregation inhibitors of the human antibody light chain repertoire by phage display
Swift, J.; Saing, S.; Rouet, R.; Dudgeon, K.; Schofield, P.; Sewell, W.; Christ, D.;
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide Y attenuates atress-induced bone loss through suppression of noradrenaline circuits.
Baldock, P.; Lin, S.; Zhang, L.; Karl, T.; Shi, Y.; Driessler, F.; Zengin, A. Hormer, B.; Lee, N.; Wong, I.; Lin, E.; Enriquez, R.; Stehrer, B.; During, M.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Zolotukhin, S.; Ruohonen, S.; Savontaus, E.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
OpenAccess publication XLP: clinical features and molecular etiology due to mutations in SH2D1A encoding SAP
Tangye, S. G.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 34 :772-779, 2014 10.1007/s10875-014-0083-7
OpenAccess publication External validation of the Garvan nomograms for predicting absolute fracture risk: The Tromso Study.
Ahmed, L. A.; Nguyen, N. D.; Bjornerem, A.; Joakimsen, R. M.; Jorgensen, L.; Stormer, J.; Bliuc, D.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.; Emaus, N.;
PLoS One 9 (9) :e107695, 2014 10.1371/journal.pone.0107695
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D receptor-mediated stromal reprogramming suppresses pancreatitis and enhances pancreatic cancer therapy
Sherman, M. H.; Yu, R. T.; Engle, D. D.; Ding, N.; Atkins, A. R.; Tiriac, H.; Collisson, E. A.; Connor, F.; Van Dyke, T.; Kozlov, S.; Martin, P.; Tseng, T. W.; Dawson, D. W.; Donahue, T. R.; Masamune, A.; Shimosegawa, T.; Apte, M. V.; Wilson, J. S.; Ng, B.; Lau, S. L.; Gunton, J. E.; Wahl, G. M.; Hunter, T.; Drebin, J. A.; O'Dwyer, P. J.; Liddle, C.; Tuveson, D. A.; Downes, M.; Evans, R. M.;
CELL 159 :80-93, 2014
OpenAccess publication Impact of femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD discordances on FRAX probabilities in women: A meta-analysis of international cohorts.
Johansson, H.; Kanis, J.A.; Oden, A.; Leslie, W.D.; Fujiwara, S.; Gluer, C.C.; Kroger, H.; LaCroix, A.Z.; Lau, E.; Melton, L.J.3rd; Eisman, J.A.; O'Neill, T.W.; Goltzman, D.; Reid, D.M.; McCloskey, E.
CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 95 (5) :428-35, 2014 10.1007/s00223-014-9911-2
OpenAccess publication Expression of E6AP and PML predicts for prostate cancer progression and cancer-specific death
Birch, S. E. ; Kench, J. G. ; Takano, E. ; Chan, P. ; Chan, A. L. ; Chiam, K. ; Veillard, A. S. ; Stricker, P. ; Haupt, S. ; Haupt, Y. ; Horvath, L. ; Fox, S. B.;
Annals Of Oncology 25 (12) :2392-7, 2014