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Mutant p53 drives pancreatic cancer metastasis through cell-autonomous PDGF receptor beta signaling.


Missense mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor inactivate its antiproliferative properties but can also promote metastasis through a gain-of-function activity. We show that sustained expression of mutant p53 is required to maintain the prometastatic phenotype of a murine model of pancreatic cancer, a highly metastatic disease that frequently displays p53 mutations. Transcriptional profiling and functional screening identified the platelet-derived growth factor receptor b (PDGFRb) as both necessary and sufficient to mediate these effects. Mutant p53 induced PDGFRb through a cell-autonomous mechanism involving inhibition of a p73/NF-Y complex that represses PDGFRb expression in p53-deficient, noninvasive cells. Blocking PDGFRb signaling by RNA interference or by small molecule inhibitors prevented pancreatic cancer cell invasion in vitro and metastasis formation in vivo. Finally, high PDGFRb expression correlates with poor disease-free survival in pancreatic, colon, and ovarian cancer patients, implicating PDGFRb as a prognostic marker and possible target for attenuating metastasis in p53 mutant tumors.

Type Journal
Authors Weissmueller, S.; Manchado, E.; Saborowski, M.; Morris, J.P.; Wagenblast, E.; Davis, C.A.; Moon, S.; Pfister, N.T.; Tschaharganeh, D.F.; Kitzing, T.; Aust, D.; Markert, E.K.; Wu, J.Grimmond, S.M.; Pilarsky, C.; Prives, C.; Biankin, A.V.; Lowe, S.W. ;
Publisher Name CELL
Published Date 2014-12-01
Published Volume 157
Published Pages 382-394
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version