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6429 items matching your search terms.
GPR65 inhibits experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through CD4(+) T cell independent mechanisms that include effects on iNKT cells
Wirasinha, R. C.; Vijayan, D.; Smith, N. J.; Parnell, G. P.; Swarbrick, A.; Brink, R.; King, C.; Stewart, G.; Booth, D. R.; Batten, M.
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 96 (2) :128-136, 2018 10.1111/imcb.1031
Equipping the islet graft for self defence: targeting nuclear factor kappaB and implications for tolerance
Zammit, N. W.; Grey, S. T.
Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation 23 (1) :97-105, 2018 10.1097/MOT.0000000000000482
OpenAccess publication Mechanisms of beta-cell dedifferentiation in diabetes: recent findings and future research directions
Bensellam, M.; Jonas, J. C.; Laybutt, D. R.
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 236 (2) :R109-R143, 2018 10.1530/JOE-17-0516
STAT3 regulates cytotoxicity of human CD57+ CD4+ T cells in blood and lymphoid follicles
Alshekaili, J.; Chand, R.; Lee, C. E.; Corley, S.; Kwong, K.; Papa, I.; Fulcher, D. A.; Randall, K. L.; Leiding, J. W.; Ma, C. S.; Wilkins, M. R.; Uzel, G.; Goodnow, C. C.; Vinuesa, C. G.; Tangye, S. G.; Cook, M. C.
Scientific Reports 8 (1) :3529, 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-21389-8
A Mild PUM1 Mutation Is Associated with Adult-Onset Ataxia, whereas Haploinsufficiency Causes Developmental Delay and Seizures
Gennarino, V. A.; Palmer, E. E.; McDonell, L. M.; Wang, L.; Adamski, C. J.; Koire, A.; See, L.; Chen, C. A.; Schaaf, C. P.; Rosenfeld, J. A.; Panzer, J. A.; Moog, U.; Hao, S.; Bye, A.; Kirk, E. P.; Stankiewicz, P.; Breman, A. M.; McBride, A.; Kandula, T.; Dubbs, H. A.; Macintosh, R.; Cardamone, M.; Zhu, Y.; Ying, K.; Dias, K. R.; Cho, M. T.; Henderson, L. B.; Baskin, B.; Morris, P.; Tao, J.; Cowley, M. J.; Dinger, M. E.; Roscioli, T.; Caluseriu, O.; Suchowersky, O.; Sachdev, R. K.; Lichtarge, O.; Tang, J.; Boycott, K. M.; Holder, J. L., Jr.; Zoghbi, H. Y.
CELL 172 (5) :924-936 e11, 2018 10.1016/j.cell.2018.02.006
OpenAccess publication High rates of incident diabetes and prediabetes are evident in men with treated HIV followed for 11 years
McMahon CN, Petoumenos K, Hesse K, Carr A, Cooper DA, Samaras K.
AIDS 32 :451-459, 2018 10.1097/QAD.0000000000001709
Mutational spectrum in a worldwide study of 29,700 families with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations
Rebbeck, T. R.; Friebel, T. M.; Friedman, E.; Hamann, U.; Huo, D.; Kwong, A.; Olah, E.; Olopade, O. I.; Solano, A. R.; Teo, S. H.; Thomassen, M.; Weitzel, J. N.; Chan, T. L.; Couch, F. J.; Goldgar, D. E.; Kruse, T. A.; Palmero, E. I.; Park, S. K.; Torres, D.; van Rensburg, E. J.; McGuffog, L.; Parsons, M. T.; Leslie, G.; Aalfs, C. M.; Abugattas, J.; Adlard, J.; Agata, S.; Aittomaki, K.; Andrews, L.; Andrulis, I. L.; Arason, A.; Arnold, N.; Arun, B. K.; Asseryanis, E.; Auerbach, L.; Azzollini, J.; Balmana, J.; Barile, M.; Barkardottir, R. B.; Barrowdale, D.; Benitez, J.; Berger, A.; Berger, R.; Blanco, A. M.; Blazer, K. R.; Blok, M. J.; Bonadona, V.; Bonanni, B.; Bradbury, A. R.; Brewer, C.; Buecher, B.; Buys, S. S.; Caldes, T.; Caliebe, A.; Caligo, M. A.; Campbell, I.; Caputo, S. M.; Chiquette, J.; Chung, W. K.; Claes, K. B. M.; Collee, J. M.; Cook, J.; Davidson, R.; de la Hoya, M.; De Leeneer, K.; de Pauw, A.; Delnatte, C.; Diez, O.; Ding, Y. C.; Ditsch, N.; Domchek, S. M.; Dorfling, C. M.; Velazquez, C.; Dworniczak, B.; Eason, J.; Easton, D. F.; Eeles, R.; Ehrencrona, H.; Ejlertsen, B.; Embrace; Engel, C.; Engert, S.; Evans, D. G.; Faivre, L.; Feliubadalo, L.; Ferrer, S. F.; Foretova, L.; Fowler, J.; Frost, D.; Galvao, H. C. R.; Ganz, P. A.; Garber, J.; Gauthier-Villars, M.; Gehrig, A.; Collaborators, Gemo Study; Gerdes, A. M.; Gesta, P.; Giannini, G.; Giraud, S.; Glendon, G., et al.
HUMAN MUTATION 39 (5) :593-620, 2018 10.1002/humu.23406
OpenAccess publication High dietary fat and sucrose results in an extensive and time-dependent deterioration in health of multiple physiological systems in mice
Burchfield, J. G.; Kebede, M. A.; Meoli, C. C.; Stockli, J.; Whitworth, P. T.; Wright, A. L.; Hoffman, N. J.; Minard, A. Y.; Ma, X.; Krycer, J. R.; Nelson, M. E.; Tan, S. X.; Yau, B.; Thomas, K. C.; Wee, N. K. Y.; Khor, E. C.; Enriquez, R. F.; Vissel, B.; Biden, T. J.; Baldock, P. A.; Hoehn, K. L.; Cantley, J.; Cooney, G. J.; James, D. E.; Fazakerley, D. J.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 293 (15) :5731-5745, 2018 10.1074/jbc.RA117.000808
Circulating TFH cells, serological memory, and tissue compartmentalization shape human influenza-specific B cell immunity
Koutsakos, M.; Wheatley, A. K.; Loh, L.; Clemens, E. B.; Sant, S.; Nussing, S.; Fox, A.; Chung, A. W.; Laurie, K. L.; Hurt, A. C.; Rockman, S.; Lappas, M.; Loudovaris, T.; Mannering, S. I.; Westall, G. P.; Elliot, M.; Tangye, S. G.; Wakim, L. M.; Kent, S. J.; Nguyen, T. H. O.; Kedzierska, K.
Science Translational Medicine 10 (428) 2018 10.1126/scitranslmed.aan8405
Circulating TFH cells, serological memory, and tissue compartmentalization shape human influenza-specific B cell immunity
Koutsakos, M., Wheatley, A. K., Loh, L., Clemens, E. B., Sant, S., Nussing, S., Fox, A., Chung, A. W., Laurie, K. L., Hurt, A. C., Rockman, S., Lappas, M., Loudovaris, T., Mannering, S. I., Westall, G. P., Elliot, M., Tangye, S. G., Wakim, L. M., Kent, S. J., Nguyen, T. H. O., Kedzierska, K.
Science Translational Medicine 10 (428) :1-15, 2018 10.1126/scitranslmed.aan8405
Mathematics Research in Association of Southeast Asian Nations Countries: A Scientometric Analysis of Patterns and Impacts
Ho-Le, T.P.; Nguyen, T.V.
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 2018
Osteocalcin-dependent regulation of glucose metabolism and fertility: Skeletal implications for the development of insulin resistance
Tangseefa, P.; Martin, S. K.; Fitter, S.; Baldock, P. A.; Proud, C. G.; Zannettino, A. C. W.
OpenAccess publication Anarchy in the UPR: A Ca(2+)-insensitive PKC inhibits SERCA activity to promote ER stress
Schmitz-Peiffer, C.
BIOSCIENCE REPORTS :pii: BSR20170966, 2018 10.1042/BSR20170966
OpenAccess publication Evidence against a role for NLRP3-driven islet inflammation in db/db mice
Kammoun, H. L.; Allen, T. L.; Henstridge, D. C.; Barre, S.; Coll, R. C.; Lancaster, G. I.; Cron, L.; Reibe, S.; Chan, J. Y.; Bensellam, M.; Laybutt, D. R.; Butler, M. S.; Robertson, A. A. B.; O'Neill, L. A.; Cooper, M. A.; Febbraio, M. A.
Molecular Metabolism 10 :66-73, 2018 10.1016/j.molmet.2018.02.001
Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 Control of Human T and B Cell Responses
Deenick, E. K.; Pelham, S. J.; Kane, A.; Ma, C. S.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 :168, 2018 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00168
OpenAccess publication Mitochondrial CoQ deficiency is a common driver of mitochondrial oxidants and insulin resistance
Fazakerley, D. J.; Chaudhuri, R.; Yang, P.; Maghzal, G. J.; Thomas, K. C.; Krycer, J. R.; Humphrey, S. J.; Parker, B. L.; Fisher-Wellman, K. H.; Meoli, C. C.; Hoffman, N. J.; Diskin, C.; Burchfield, J. G.; Cowley, M. J.; Kaplan, W.; Modrusan, Z.; Kolumam, G.; Yang, J. Y.; Chen, D. L.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Greenfield, J. R.; Hoehn, K. L.; Stocker, R.; James, D. E.
eLife 7 :pii: e32111, 2018 10.7554/eLife.32111