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Oxygen-permeable microwell device maintains islet mass and integrity during shipping


Islet transplantation is currently the only minimally invasive therapy available for patients with type 1 diabetes that can lead to insulin independence, however, it is limited to only a small number of patients Although clinical procedures have improved in the isolation and culture of islets, a large number of islets are still lost in the pretransplant period, limiting the success of this treatment Moreover, current practice includes islets being prepared at specialized centers, which are sometimes remote to the transplant location Thus, a critical point of intervention to maintain the quality and quantity of isolated islets is during transportation between isolation centers and the transplanting hospitals, during which 20-40% of functional islets can be lost The current study investigated the use of an oxygen-permeable PDMS microwell device for long-distance transportation of isolated islets. We demonstrate that the microwell device protected islets from aggregation during transport, maintaining viability and average islet size during shipping.

Type Journal
ISBN 2049-3614
Authors Rojas-Canales, D. M.; Waibel, M.; Forget, A.; Penko, D.; Nitschke, J.; Harding, F. J.; Delalat, B.; Blencowe, A.; Loudovaris, T.; Grey, S. T.; Thomas, H. E.; Kay, T. W. H.; Drogemuller, C. J.; Voelcker, N. H.; Coates, P. T.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Shane Grey
Publisher Name Endocrine Connections
Published Date 2018-03-01
Published Volume 7
Published Issue 3
Published Pages 490-503
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1530/Ec-17-0349
URL link to publisher's version <Go to ISI>://WOS:000434127900014