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6429 items matching your search terms.
Comprehensive Multiple eQTL Detection and Its Application to GWAS Interpretation
Zeng, B.; Lloyd-Jones, L. R.; Montgomery, G. W.; Metspalu, A.; Esko, T.; Franke, L.; Vosa, U.; Claringbould, A.; Brigham, K. L.; Quyyumi, A. A.; Idaghdour, Y.; Yang, J.; Visscher, P. M.; Powell, J. E.; Gibson, G.
GENETICS 212 (3) :905-918, 2019 10.1534/genetics.119.302091
Lymphatic Migration of Immune Cells
Hampton, H. R.; Chtanova, T.
Frontiers in Immunology 10 :1168, 2019 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01168
OpenAccess publication Recruiting to a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Web-Based Program for People With Type 2 Diabetes and Depression: Lessons Learned at the Intersection of e-Mental Health and Primary Care
Fletcher, S.; Clarke, J.; Sanatkar, S.; Baldwin, P.; Gunn, J.; Zwar, N.; Campbell, L.; Wilhelm, K.; Harris, M.; Lapsley, H.; Hadzi-Pavlovic, D.; Proudfoot, J.
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 21 (5) :e12793, 2019 10.2196/12793
Chemical reprogramming enhances homology-directed genome editing in zebrafish embryos
Aksoy, Y. A.; Nguyen, D. T.; Chow, S.; Chung, R. S.; Guillemin, G. J.; Cole, N. J.; Hesselson, D.
Communications Biology 2 (198) :1, 2019 10.1038/s42003-019-0444-0
Food antigens drive spontaneous IgE elevation in the absence of commensal microbiota
Hong, S. W.; O, E.; Lee, J. Y.; Lee, M.; Han, D.; Ko, H. J.; Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.; Kim, K. S.
Science Advances 5 (5) :eaaw1507, 2019 10.1126/sciadv.aaw1507
Discovering biomarkers and pathways shared by Alzheimer's Disease and ischemic stroke to identify novel therapeutic targets
Rahman, M. R.; Islam, T.; Shahjaman, M.; Zaman, T.; Faruquee, H. M.; Jamal, Mahm; Huq, F.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Moni, M. A.
MEDICINA CLINICA 55 (5) :E191, 2019 10.3390/medicina55050191
Response to Letter to the Editor: Two-thirds of all fractures are not attributable to osteoporosis and advancing age: implication for fracture prevention
Mai, H. T.; Tran, T. S.; Ho-Le, T. P.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 104 (9) :3605-3606, 2019 10.1210/jc.2019-01016
The International Academy of Cytology Yokohama system for reporting breast fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytopathology
Field, A. S.; Raymond, W. A.; Rickard, M.; Arnold, L.; Brachtel, E. F.; Chaiwun, B.; Chen, L.; Di Bonito, L.; Kurtycz, D. F. I.; Lee, A. H. S.; Lim, E.; Ljung, B. M.; Michelow, P.; Osamura, R. Y.; Pinamonti, M.; Sauer, T.; Segara, D.; Tse, G.; Vielh, P.; Chong, P. Y.; Schmitt, F.
ACTA CYTOL 63 (4) :257-273, 2019 10.1159/000499509
beta Cell Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1alpha Is Required for the Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes
Lalwani, A.; Warren, J.; Liuwantara, D.; Hawthorne, W. J.; O'Connell, P. J.; Gonzalez, F. J.; Stokes, R. A.; Chen, J.; Laybutt, D. R.; Craig, M. E.; Swarbrick, M. M.; King, C.; Gunton, J. E.
Cell Reports 27 (8) :2370-2384 e6, 2019 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.04.086
IRF2 Transcriptionally Induces GSDMD Expression for Pyroptosis
Kayagaki, N.; Lee, B. L.; Stowe, I. B.; Kornfeld, O. S.; O'Rourke, K.; Mirrashidi, K. M.; Haley, B.; Watanabe, C.; Roose-Girma, M.; Modrusan, Z.; Kummerfeld, S.; Reja, R.; Zhang, Y.; Cho, V.; Andrews, T. D.; Morris, L. X.; Goodnow, C. C.; Bertram, E. M.; Dixit, V. M.
Science Signaling 12 (582) :eaax4917, 2019 10.1126/scisignal.aax4917
OpenAccess publication A Web-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy Intervention to Improve Social and Occupational Functioning in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes (The SpringboarD Trial): Randomized Controlled Trial
Clarke, J.; Sanatkar, S.; Baldwin, P. A.; Fletcher, S.; Gunn, J.; Wilhelm, K.; Campbell, L.; Zwar, N.; Harris, M.; Lapsley, H.; Hadzi-Pavlovic, D.; Christensen, H.; Proudfoot, J.
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 21 (5) :e12246, 2019 10.2196/12246
Elucidation of Codon Usage Signatures across the Domains of Life
Novoa, E. M.; Jungreis, I.; Jaillon, O.; Kellis, M.
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 36 (10) :2328-2339, 2019 10.1093/molbev/msz124
OpenAccess publication Crizotinib and Surgery for Long-Term Disease Control in Children and Adolescents With ALK-Positive Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumors
Trahair T, Gifford AJ, Fordham A, Mayoh C, Fadia M, Lukeis R, Wood AC, Santosh V, Walker RD, Blackburn J, Heyer EE, Mercer TR, Barbaric D, Marshall GM, MacKenzie KL.
JCO Precision Oncology 2019 10.1200/PO.18.00297
OpenAccess publication Immunoprofiling of breast cancer antigens using antibodies derived from local lymph nodes
Young, A. R.; Duarte, J. D. G.; Coulson, R.; O'Brien, M.; Deb, S.; Lopata, A.; Behren, A.; Mathivanan, S.; Lim, E.; Meeusen, E.
Cancers 11 (5) :682, 2019 10.3390/cancers11050682
OpenAccess publication TMPRSS2-ERG fusions linked to prostate cancer racial health disparities: A focus on Africa
Blackburn, J.; Vecchiarelli, S.; Heyer, E. E.; Patrick, S. M.; Lyons, R. J.; Jaratlerdsiri, W.; van Zyl, S.; Bornman, M. S. R.; Mercer, T. R.; Hayes, V. M.
PROSTATE 79 (10) :1191-1196, 2019 10.1002/pros.23823
Dietary macronutrient content, age-specific mortality and lifespan
Senior, A. M.; Solon-Biet, S. M.; Cogger, V. C.; Le Couteur, D. G.; Nakagawa, S.; Raubenheimer, D.; Simpson, S. J.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 286 (1902) :20190393, 2019 10.1098/rspb.2019.0393