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6433 items matching your search terms.
Human growth hormone production from a recombinant mammalian cell line
Chapman, G. E.;Lazarus, L.;Shine, J.;Kushner, P.;Gray, P. P.;Marsden, W. L. :
Proc Biochemical Processing: New developments and future opportunities, NZ 1987
Hypothalamic noradrenergic activation of stress-induced adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) reasease: Effects of acute and chronic dexamethasone pre-trestment in the rat
Smythe, G. A. :
Exp Clin Endocrinol (Life Sci Adv) 6 :141-144, 1987
Incidence and specificity of interference in two-site immunoassays
Boscato, L. M.;Stuart, M. C. :
CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 32 (8) :1491-5, 1986
The use of a mammalian cell line to produce biosynthetic human growth hormone
Gray, P.;Lazarus, L.;Chapman, G.;Shine, J.;Kushner, P.;Marsden, W.;Panowitz, D.;Crowley, J. :
J Proc 7th Aust Biotech Conf :106-111, 1986
Progestin regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor in human mammary carcinoma cells
Murphy, L. J.;Sutherland, R. L.;Stead, B.;Murphy, L. C.;Lazarus, L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 46 (2) :728-34, 1986
Comparison of methotrexate with azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine in refractory rheumatoid arthritis: a life-table analysis
Sambrook, P. N.;Champion, G. D.;Browne, C. D.;Cohen, M. L.;Compton, P.;Day, R. O.;de Jager, J. :
Br J Rheumatol 25 (4) :372-5, 1986
Fat feeding causes widespread in vivo insulin resistance, decreased energy expenditure, and obesity in rats
Storlien, L. H.;James, D. E.;Burleigh, K. M.;Chisholm, D. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Am J Physiol 251 (5 Pt 1) :E576-83, 1986
Properties of high affinity intracellular binding sites for antiestrogens.
Watts, C. K. W.; Murphy, L. C.; Sutherland, R. L.; Jordan, V. C.
Estrogen/Antiestrogen Action and Breast Cancer Therapy :93-114, 1986
Microsomal binding sites for antioestrogens in rat liver. Properties and detergent solubilization
Watts, C. K.;Sutherland, R. L. :
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 236 (3) :903-11, 1986
Antioestrogen binding sites
Watts, C. K. W.; Murphy, L. C.; Sutherland, R. L.; Wakeling, B. J. A. F. a. A. E.
Pharmacology and Clinical Uses of Inhibitors of Hormone Secretion and Action :20 - 40, 1986
Ovarian hormone effects on activity, glucoregulation and thyroid hormones in the rat
Thomas, D. K.;Storlien, L. H.;Bellingham, W. P.;Gillette, K. :
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 36 (3) :567-73, 1986
Low dose prednisolone in rheumatoid arthritis. Should it be used more frequently?
Sambrook, P. N.;Champion, G. D. :
Curr Therapeutics :31-32, 1986
2-deoxy-D-glucose metabolism in individual tissues of the rat in vivo
Jenkins, A. B.;Furler, S. M.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Int J Biochem 18 (4) :311-8, 1986
Development and testing of a simple algorithm for a glucose clamp
Furler, S. M.;Zelenka, G. S.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Data reduction for immunoassay
Compton, P. :
Biochim Clin (reprinted from Clin Biochem Rev) 10 :1101-1111, 1986
Effects of scheduled food and water deprivation on food intake, water intake and body weight of cage-adapted and cage-naive rats
Gillette-Bellingham, K.;Bellingham, W. P.;Storlien, L. H. :
APPETITE 7 (1) :19-39, 1986