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6429 items matching your search terms.
Emerging Roles of Metallothioneins in Beta Cell Pathophysiology: Beyond and Above Metal Homeostasis and Antioxidant Response
Bensellam, M.; Laybutt, D. R.; Jonas, J. C.
Biology (Basel) 10 (3) :176, 2021 10.3390/biology10030176
The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo
Bass, J. J.; Kazi, A. A.; Deane, C. S.; Nakhuda, A.; Ashcroft, S. P.; Brook, M. S.; Wilkinson, D. J.; Phillips, B. E.; Philp, A.; Tarum, J.; Kadi, F.; Andersen, D.; Garcia, A. M.; Smith, K.; Gallagher, I. J.; Szewczyk, N. J.; Cleasby, M. E.; Atherton, P. J.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 599 (3) :963-979, 2021 10.1113/JP280652
Assessing the clinical utility of genetic profiling in fracture risk prediction: a decision curve analysis
Ho-Le, T. P.; Tran, H. T. T.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, H. T.; Nguyen, T. V.
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 32 (2) :271-280, 2021 10.1007/s00198-020-05403-2
Ubiquitin chromatin remodelling after DNA damage is associated with the expression of key cancer genes and pathways
Cole, A. J.; Dickson, K. A.; Liddle, C.; Stirzaker, C.; Shah, J. S.; Clifton-Bligh, R.; Marsh, D. J.
CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 78 (3) :1011-1027, 2021 10.1007/s00018-020-03552-5
BAFFR controls early memory B cell responses but is dispensable for germinal center function
Lau, A.W.Y.; Turner, V.M.; Bourne, K.; Hermes, J.R.; Chan, T.D.; Brink, R.
Evaluation of a Mainstream Model of Genetic Testing for Men With Prostate Cancer
Scheinberg, T.; Goodwin, A.; Ip, E.; Linton, A.; Mak, B.; Smith, D. P.; Stockler, M. R.; Strach, M. C.; Tran, B.; Young, A. L.; Zhang, A. Y.; Mahon, K. L.; Horvath, L. G.
Journal of Oncology Practice 17 (2) :e204-e216, 2021 10.1200/OP.20.00399
Finding the five-year window: A qualitative study examining young women's decision-making and experience of using tamoxifen to reduce BRCA1/2 breast cancer risk
Forrest, Laura E.; Forbes Shepherd, Rowan; Young, Mary-Anne; Keogh, Louise A.; James, Paul A.
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 30 (2) :159-166, 2021 10.1002/pon.5556
Patients with end-stage kidney disease have markedly abnormal cortical hip parameters by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
Aleksova, J.; Milat, F.; Kotowicz, M. A.; Pasco, J. A.; Schultz, C.; Wong, P.; Ebeling, P. R.; Elder, G. J.
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 2021 10.1093/ndt/gfz195
High levels of soluble CD25 in COVID-19 severity suggest a divergence between anti-viral and pro-inflammatory T-cell responses
Xie, M.; Yunis, J.; Yao, Y.; Shi, J.; Yang, Y.; Zhou, P.; Liang, K.; Wan, Y.; Mehdi, A.; Chen, Z.; Wang, N.; Xu, S.; Zhou, M.; Yu, M.; Wang, K.; Tao, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Li, X.; Liu, X.; Yu, X.; Wei, Y.; Liu, Z.; Sprent, J.; Yu, D.
Clinical & Translational Immunology 10 (2) :e1251, 2021 10.1002/cti2.1251
Coronavirus disease 2019 in patients with inborn errors of immunity: An international study
Meyts, I. Bucciol, G. Quinti, I. Neven, B. Fischer, A. Seoane, E. Lopez-Granados, E. Gianelli, C. Robles-Marhuenda, A. Jeandel, P. Y. Paillard, C. Sankaran, V. G. Demirdag, Y. Y. Lougaris, V. Aiuti, A. Plebani, A. Milito, C. Dalm, V. A. Guevara-Hoyer, K. Sanchez-Ramon, S. Bezrodnik, L. Barzaghi, F. Gonzalez-Granado, L. I. Hayman, G. R. Uzel, G. Mendonca, L. O. Agostini, C. Spadaro, G. Badolato, R. Soresina, A. Vermeulen, F. Bosteels, C. Lambrecht, B. N. Keller, M. Mustillo, P. J. Abraham, R. S. Gupta, S. Ozen, A. Karakoc-Aydiner, E. Baris, S. Freeman, A. F. Yamazaki-Nakashimada, M. Scheffler-Mendoza, S. Espinosa-Padilla, S. Gennery, A. R. Jolles, S. Espinosa, Y. Poli, M. C. Fieschi, C. Hauck, F. Cunningham-Rundles, C. Mahlaoui, N. Iuis Committee of Inborn Errors of Immunity Warnatz, K. Sullivan, K. E. Tangye, S. G.
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 147 (2) :520.531, 2021 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.09.010
Systemic medication requirement in post-surgical patients with eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis
Ho, J. Li, W. Grayson, J. W. Alvarado, R. Rimmer, J. Sewell, W. A. Harvey, R. J.
RHINOLOGY 59 (1) :59-65, 2021 10.4193/Rhin20.073
BRG1 knockdown inhibits proliferation through multiple cellular pathways in prostate cancer
Giles, K. A.; Gould, C. M.; Achinger-Kawecka, J.; Page, S. G.; Kafer, G. R.; Rogers, S.; Luu, P. L.; Cesare, A. J.; Clark, S. J.; Taberlay, P. C.
Clinical Epigenetics 13 (1) :37, 2021 10.1186/s13148-021-01023-7
Australia IBD Microbiome (AIM) Study: protocol for a multicentre longitudinal prospective cohort study
Williams, A. J.; Paramsothy, R.; Wu, N.; Ghaly, S.; Leach, S.; Paramsothy, S.; Corte, C.; O'Brien, C.; Burke, C.; Wark, G.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Lambert, K.; Ahlenstiel, G.; Wasinger, V.; Dutt, S.; Pavli, P.; Grimm, M.; Lemberg, D.; Connor, S.; Leong, R.; Hold, G.
BMJ Open 11 (2) :e042493, 2021 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042493
Somatic reversion of pathogenic DOCK8 variants alters lymphocyte differentiation and function to effectively cure DOCK8 deficiency
Pillay, Bethany A.; Fusaro, Mathieu; Gray, Paul E.; Statham, Aaron L.; Burnett, Leslie; Bezrodnik, Liliana; Kane, Alisa; Tong, Winnie; Abdo, Chrystelle; Winter, Sarah; Chevalier, Samuel; Levy, Romain; Masson, Cecile; Schmitt, Yohann; Bole, Christine; Malphettes, Marion; Macintyre, Elizabeth; De Villartay, Jean-Pierre; Ziegler, John B.; Smart, Joanne M.; Peake, Jane; Aghamohammadi, Asghar; Hammarstrom, Lennart; Abolhassani, Hassan; Picard, Capucine; Fischer, Alain; Latour, Sylvain; Neven, Benedicte; Tangye, Stuart G.; Ma, Cindy S.
Denosumab compared with zoledronic acid on PFS in multiple myeloma: exploratory results of an international phase 3 study
Terpos, E.; Raje, N.; Croucher, P.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Leleu, X.; Pasteiner, W.; Wang, Y.; Glennane, A.; Canon, J.; Pawlyn, C.
Blood Advances 5 (3) :725-736, 2021 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020002378
The mTORC1 complex in pre-osteoblasts regulates whole-body energy metabolism independently of osteocalcin
Tangseefa, P.; Martin, S. K.; Chin, P. Y.; Breen, J.; Mah, C. Y.; Baldock, P. A.; Wittert, G. A.; Page, A. J.; Proud, C. G.; Fitter, S.; Zannettino, A. C. W.
Bone Research 9 (1) :10, 2021 10.1038/s41413-020-00123-z