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6432 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Lipocalin-2 is an inflammatory marker closely associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia in humans
Wang, Y.;Lam, K. S.;Kraegen, E. W.;Sweeney, G.;Zhang, J.;Tso, A. W.;Chow, W. S.;Wat, N. M.;Xu, J. Y.;Hoo, R. L.;Xu, A. :
CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 53 (1) :34-41, 2007
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide Y acts directly in the periphery on fat tissue and mediates stress-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome
Kuo, L. E.;Kitlinska, J. B.;Tilan, J. U.;Li, L.;Baker, S. B.;Johnson, M. D.;Lee, E. W.;Burnett, M. S.;Fricke, S. T.;Kvetnansky, R.;Herzog, H.;Zukowska, Z. :
NATURE MEDICINE 13 (7) :803-11, 2007
OpenAccess publication An important role for B-cell activation factor and B cells in the pathogenesis of Sjogren's syndrome
Mackay, F.;Groom, J. R.;Tangye, S. G. :
OpenAccess publication The use of clinical risk factors enhances the performance of BMD in the prediction of hip and osteoporotic fractures in men and women
Kanis, J. A.;Oden, A.;Johnell, O.;Johansson, H.;De Laet, C.;Brown, J.;Burckhardt, P.;Cooper, C.;Christiansen, C.;Cummings, S.;Eisman, J. A.;Fujiwara, S.;Gluer, C.;Goltzman, D.;Hans, D.;Krieg, M. A.;La Croix, A.;McCloskey, E.;Mellstrom, D.;Melton, L. J., 3rd;Pols, H.;Reeve, J.;Sanders, K.;Schott, A. M.;Silman, A.;Torgerson, D.;van Staa, T.;Watts, N. B.;Yoshimura, N. :
OpenAccess publication On the association between statin and fracture: a Bayesian consideration
Nguyen, N. D.;Wang, C. Y.;Eisman, J. A.;Nguyen, T. V. :
BONE 40 (4) :813-20, 2007
OpenAccess publication The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase EDD Regulates S-Phase and G(2)/M DNA Damage Checkpoints
Munoz, M. A.;Saunders, D. N.;Henderson, M. J.;Clancy, J. L.;Russell, A. J.;Lehrbach, G.;Musgrove, E. A.;Watts, C. K.;Sutherland, R. L. :
CELL CYCLE 6 (24) :3070-3077, 2007
OpenAccess publication Adult neurogenesis: a common strategy across diverse species
Sullivan, J. M.;Benton, J. L.;Sandeman, D. C.;Beltz, B. S. :
OpenAccess publication A nomogram for predicting osteoporosis risk based on age, weight and quantitative ultrasound measurement
Pongchaiyakul, C.;Panichkul, S.;Songpatanasilp, T.;Nguyen, T. V. :
OpenAccess publication Selection of human antibody fragments by phage display
Lee, C. M.;Iorno, N.;Sierro, F.;Christ, D. :
Nature Protocols 2 (11) :3001-8, 2007
OpenAccess publication Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy using International Diabetes Foundation and Adult Treatment Panel III criteria: associations with insulin resistance, disturbed body fat compartmentalization, elevated C-reactive protein, and [corrected] hypoadiponectinemia
Samaras, K.;Wand, H.;Law, M.;Emery, S.;Cooper, D.;Carr, A. :
DIABETES CARE 30 (1) :113-9, 2007
The Don't Go Hungry Diet
Sainsbury-Salis, A. :
The don't go hungry diet 2007
OpenAccess publication Low meprin alpha expression differentiates primary ovarian mucinous carcinoma from gastrointestinal cancers that commonly metastasise to the ovaries
Heinzelmann-Schwarz, V. A.;Scolyer, R. A.;Scurry, J. P.;Smith, A. N.;Gardiner-Garden, M.;Biankin, A. V.;Baron-Hay, S.;Scott, C.;Ward, R. L.;Fink, D.;Hacker, N. F.;Sutherland, R. L.;O'Brien, P. M. :
OpenAccess publication Differentiation of adult mouse olfactory precursor cells into hair cells in vitro
Doyle, K. L.;Kazda, A.;Hort, Y.;McKay, S. M.;Oleskevich, S. :
STEM CELLS 25 (3) :621-7, 2007
OpenAccess publication Greater bone formation of Y2 knockout mice is associated with increased osteoprogenitor numbers and altered Y1 receptor expression
Lundberg, P.;Allison, S. J.;Lee, N. J.;Baldock, P. A.;Brouard, N.;Rost, S.;Enriquez, R. F.;Sainsbury, A.;Lamghari, M.;Simmons, P.;Eisman, J. A.;Gardiner, E. M.;Herzog, H. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 282 (26) :19082-91, 2007
OpenAccess publication Misfolded proteins traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) due to ER export signals
Kincaid, M. M.;Cooper, A. A. :
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 18 (2) :455-63, 2007
OpenAccess publication Effects of continuous activation of vitamin D and Wnt response pathways on osteoblastic proliferation and differentiation
Shi, Y. C.;Worton, L.;Esteban, L.;Baldock, P.;Fong, C.;Eisman, J. A.;Gardiner, E. M. :
BONE 41 (1) :87-96, 2007