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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Contribution of metabolic and anthropometric abnormalities to cardiovascular disease risk factors
Grunfeld, C.; Kotler, D. P.; Arnett, D. K.; Falutz, J. M.; Haffner, S. M.; Hruz, P.; Masur, H.; Meigs, J. B.; Mulligan, K.; Reiss, P.; Samaras, K.
CIRCULATION 118 (2) :e20-8, 2008
OpenAccess publication Identification of functional networks of estrogen- and c-Myc-responsive genes and their relationship to response to tamoxifen therapy in breast cancer
Musgrove, E. A.; Sergio, C. M.; Loi, S.; Inman, C. K.; Anderson, L. R.; Alles, M. C.; Pinese, M.; Caldon, C. E.; Schutte, J.; Gardiner-Garden, M.; Ormandy, C. J.; McArthur, G.; Butt, A. J.; Sutherland, R. L.
PLoS One 3 (8) :e2987, 2008
OpenAccess publication High Rates of Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis after Exhaustive Exercise When Carbohydrate Is Co-Ingested with Caffeine
Pedersen, D. J.; Lessard, S. J.; Coffey, V. G.; Churchley, E. G.; Wootton, A. M.; Ng, T.; Watt, M. J.; Hawley, J. A.
OpenAccess publication ""Mind the gap"" when managing ketoacidosis in type 1 diabetes
Lee, P.;Greenfield, J. R.;Campbell, L.V.:
DIABETES CARE 31 (7) :e58, 2008
OpenAccess publication Role and prognostic significance of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand death receptor DR5 in nonsmall-cell lung cancer and precursor lesions
Cooper, W. A.;Kohonen-Corish, M. R.;Zhuang, L.;McCaughan, B.;Kennedy, C.;Screaton, G.;Sutherland, R. L.;Lee, C. S.:
CANCER 113 (1) :135-42, 2008
OpenAccess publication Implication of neuropeptide-Y Y2 receptors in the effects of immune stress on emotional, locomotor and social behavior of mice
Painsipp, E.; Herzog, H.; Holzer, P.
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 55 (1) :117-26, 2008
OpenAccess publication Behavioural profile of a new mouse model for NPY deficiency
Karl, T.; Duffy, L.; Herzog, H.
OpenAccess publication The modulatory capacity of interleukin-21 in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease
Vogelzang, A.;King, C. :
Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 13 :5304-15, 2008
OpenAccess publication Decorin is a secreted protein associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Bolton, K.; Segal, D.; McMillan, J.; Jowett, J.; Heilbronn, L.; Abberton, K.; Zimmet, P.; Chisholm, D.; Collier, G.; Walder, K.
OpenAccess publication IL-7/anti-IL-7 mAb complexes restore T cell development and induce homeostatic T Cell expansion without lymphopenia
Boyman, O.; Ramsey, C.; Kim, D. M.; Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 180 :7265-75, 2008
OpenAccess publication Effect of 6-month calorie restriction and exercise on serum and liver lipids and markers of liver function
Larson-Meyer, D. E.; Newcomer, B. R.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Volaufova, J.; Smith, S. R.; Alfonso, A. J.; Lefevre, M.; Rood, J. C.; Williamson, D. A.; Ravussin, E.
Obesity 16 (6) :1355-62, 2008
OpenAccess publication Treatment of Paget's disease of bone: A survey of clinical practice in Australia
Walsh, J. P.; Attewell, R.; Stuckey, B. G. A.;Hooper, M. J.; Wark, J. D.; Fletcher, S.; Ferrari, V.;Eisman, J. A.;
BONE 42 (6) :1219-25, 2008
OpenAccess publication Leptin as an endocrine signal in bone
Lee, N. J.; Wong, I. P.; Baldock, P. A.; Herzog, H.
Current Osteoporosis Reports 6 (2) :62-6, 2008
OpenAccess publication Functional consequences of interactions between human NKR-P1A and its ligand LLT1 expressed on activated dendritic cells and B cells
Rosen, D. B.; Cao, W.; Avery, D. T.; Tangye, S. G.; Liu, Y. J.; Houchins, J. P.; Lanier, L. L.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 180 (10) :6508-17, 2008
OpenAccess publication The role of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase-1 in regulating lipid and glucose homeostasis in high-fat diet fed mice
Yazdi, M.; Ahnmark, A.; William-Olsson, L.; Snaith, M.; Turner, N.; Osla, F.; Wedin, M.; Asztely, A. K.; Elmgren, A.; Bohlooly, Y. M.; Schreyer, S.; Linden, D.
OpenAccess publication The lymphopenic environment of CD132 (common gamma-chain)-deficient hosts elicits rapid homeostatic proliferation of naive T cells via IL-15
Ramsey, C.; Rubinstein, M. P.; Kim, D. M.; Cho, J. H.; Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 180 (8) :5320-6, 2008