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Moving AHEAD with an international human epigenome project


Type Journal
ISBN 1476-4687 (Electronic)
Authors Jones, P.A.; Archer TK, Baylin SB, Beck S, Berger S, Bernstein BE, Carpten JD, Clark SJ, Costello JF, Doerge RW, Esteller M, Feinberg AP, Gingeras TR, Greally JM, Henikoff S, Herman JG, Jackson-Grusby L, Jenuwein T, Jirtle RL, Kim YJ, Laird PW, Lim B, Martienssen R, Polyak K, Stunnenberg H, Tlsty TD, Tycko B, Ushijima T, Zhu J, Pirrotta V, Allis CD, Elgin SC, Jones PA, Martienssen R, Rine J, Wu C.
Publisher Name NATURE
Published Date 2008-08-07
Published Volume 454
Published Issue 7205
Published Pages 711-5
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version