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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Factors determining inadequate hypoglycaemia during insulin tolerance testing (ITT) after pituitary surgery
Lee, P.; Greenfield, J. R.; Ho, K. K.;
OpenAccess publication Increased CD4+Foxp3+ T cells in BAFF-transgenic mice suppress T cell effector responses
Walters, S.; Webster, K. E.; Sutherland, A.; Gardam, S.; Groom, J.; Liuwantara, D.; Marino, E.; Thaxton, J.; Weinberg, A.; Mackay, F.; Brink, R.; Sprent, J.; Grey, S. T.;
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 182 (2) :793-801, 2009
OpenAccess publication Growth hormone receptor modulators
Birzniece, V.; Sata, A.; Ho, K. K.;
OpenAccess publication Membrane boundary extraction using circular multiple paths
Sun, C.; Vallotton, P.; Wang, D.; Lopez, J. A.; Ng, Y.; James, D. E.;
PATTERN RECOGNITION 42 (4) :523-530, 2009
OpenAccess publication NPY regulation of bone remodelling
Lee, N. J.; Herzog, H.;
NEUROPEPTIDES 43 (6) :457-63, 2009
OpenAccess publication Immune complex relay by subcapsular sinus macrophages and noncognate B cells drives antibody affinity maturation
Phan, T. G.; Green, J. A.; Gray, E. E.; Xu, Y.; Cyster, J. G.;
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 10 (7) :786-793, 2009
OpenAccess publication Insulin Resistance and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Muscle: Is there a Link?
Wright, L. E.; Cooney, G.; Turner, N.;
Asia-Pacific Journal of Endocrinology 1 (1) :55-64, 2009
OpenAccess publication Complexity in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) co-receptor usage: roles of CCR3 and CCR5 in HIV-1 infection of monocyte-derived macrophages and brain microglia
Agrawal, L.; Maxwell, C. R.; Peters, P. J.; Clapham, P. R.; Liu, S. M.; Mackay, C. R.; Strayer, D. S.;
JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY 90 (Pt 3) :710-22, 2009
OpenAccess publication Insulin resistance and fuel homeostasis: the role of AMP-activated protein kinase
Hegarty, B. D.; Turner, N.; Cooney, G. J.; Kraegen, E. W.;
Acta Physiologica 196 (1) :129-45, 2009
OpenAccess publication Fat partitioning and insulin sensitivity: robbing Peter to pay Paul?
Watt, M. J.; Kraegen, E. W.;
DIABETES 58 (1) :16-7, 2009
OpenAccess publication Insulin action under arrestin
Stockli, J.; James, D. E.;
Cell Metabolism 9 (3) :213-4, 2009
OpenAccess publication Prodynorphin-derived peptides are critical modulators of anxiety and regulate neurochemistry and corticosterone
Wittmann, W.; Schunk, E.; Rosskothen, I.; Gaburro, S.; Singewald, N.; Herzog, H.; Schwarzer, C.
BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 34 (3) :775-85, 2009
OpenAccess publication Investigation of incidental hypercalcaemia
Joshi, D.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.;
BRIT MED J 339 :b4613, 2009
OpenAccess publication Measuring phospholipase D activity in insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells and insulin-responsive muscle cells and adipocytes
Cazzolli, R.; Huang, P.; Teng, S.; Hughes, W. E.;
Methods in Molecular Biology 462 :241-51, 2009
OpenAccess publication Enhancement of muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity and alterations in insulin action are lipid species dependent: potent tissue-specific effects of medium-chain fatty acids
Turner, N.; Hariharan, K.; TidAng, J.; Frangioudakis, G.; Beale, S. M.; Wright, L. E.; Zeng, X. Y.; Leslie, S. J.; Li, J. Y.; Kraegen, E. W.; Cooney, G. J.; Ye, J. M.;
DIABETES 58 (11) :2547-54, 2009
OpenAccess publication In vivo expansion of T reg cells with IL-2-mAb complexes: induction of resistance to EAE and long-term acceptance of islet allografts without immunosuppression
Webster, K. E.; Walters, S.; Kohler, R. E.; Mrkvan, T.; Boyman, O.; Surh, C. D.; Grey, S. T.; Sprent, J.;