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Critical interplay between neuropeptide Y and sex steroid pathways in bone and adipose tissue homeostasis


Abstract Important and novel roles for neuropeptide Y (NPY) signaling in the control of bone homeostasis have recently been identified, with deletion of either the Y1 or Y2 receptors resulting in a generalized increase in bone formation. While the Y2 receptor-mediated anabolic response is mediated via a hypothalamic relay, the Y1-mediated response is likely mediated by osteoblastic Y1 receptors. The presence of Y1 receptors on osteoblasts and various other peripheral tissues suggests that in addition to neuronal input, circulating factors may also interact with the Y1-mediated pathways. The skeletal and adipose tissue (peripheral and marrow) responses to Y1 receptor deficiency were examined following: i) leptin-deficiency ii) gonadectomy iii) hypothalamic NPY over expression. Bone formation was consistently increased in intact Y1-/- mice. However, the hypogonadism of gonadectomy or leptin-deficiency blocked this anabolism in male Y1-/- mice, whereas females remained unchanged. The Y1-mediated bone anabolic pathway thus appears to be dependent upon the presence of intact androgen signaling. Y1 deficiency also led to increased body weight and/or adiposity in all experimental models, with the exception of male ob/ob, demonstrating a general adipogenic effect of Y1 deficiency that is not dependent on androgens. Interestingly, marrow adipocytes were regulated differently than general adipose depots in these models. Taken together, this interaction represents a novel mechanism for the integration of endocrine and neural signals initiated in the hypothalamus and provides further insight into the coordination of bone and energy homeostasis.

Type Journal
ISBN 1523-4681 (Electronic)
Authors Allison, S.; Baldock, P.; Enriquez, R.; Lin, E.; During, M.; Gardiner, E.; Eisman, J.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
Published Date 2009-02-01
Published Volume 24
Published Issue 2
Published Pages 294-304
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version