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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Insulin secretion and impaired glucose tolerance
Jenkins, A. B.; Campbell, L. V.;
DIABETOLOGIA 53 (10) :2266-8; author reply 2269-70; discussion 2271-2, 2010
OpenAccess publication Ghrelin and peptide YY in postpartum lactating and nonlactating women
Larson-Meyer, D. E.; Ravussin, E.; Heilbronn, L.; DeJonge, L.;
OpenAccess publication Targeting triglyceride/fatty acid cycling in beta cells as a therapy for augmenting glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
Cantley, J.; Biden, T.J.;
Islets 2 (2) :127-29, 2010
OpenAccess publication Additive actions of the cannabinoid and neuropeptide Y systems on adiposity and lipid oxidation
Zhang, L.; Lee, N. J.; Nguyen, A. D.; Enriquez, R. F.; Riepler, S. J.; Stehrer, B.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Lin, S.; Shi, Y. C.; Baldock, P. A.; Herzog, H.; Sainsbury, A.;
DIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM 12 (7) :591-603, 2010
OpenAccess publication A study of clustered data and approaches to its analysis
Galbraith, S.; Daniel, J. A.; Vissel, B.;
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 30 (32) :10601-8, 2010
OpenAccess publication Y4 receptors and pancreatic polypeptide regulate food intake via hypothalamic orexin and brain-derived neurotropic factor dependent pathways
Sainsbury, A.; Shi, Y. C.; Zhang, L.; Aljanova, A.; Lin, Z.; Nguyen, A. D.; Herzog, H.; Lin, S.;
NEUROPEPTIDES 44 (3) :261-8, 2010
OpenAccess publication Atypical femoral fractures
Lee, P.;
OpenAccess publication Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue FTO gene expression and adiposity, insulin action, glucose metabolism, and inflammatory adipokines in type 2 diabetes mellitus and in health
Samaras, K.; Botelho, N. K.; Chisholm, D. J.; Lord, R. V.;
OBESITY SURGERY 20 (1) :108-13, 2010
OpenAccess publication Acute or chronic upregulation of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation has no net effect on whole-body energy expenditure or adiposity
Hoehn, K. L.; Turner, N.; Swarbrick, M. M.; Wilks, D.; Preston, E.; Phua, Y.; Joshi, H.; Furler, S. M.; Larance, M.; Hegarty, B. D.; Leslie, S. J.; Pickford, R.; Hoy, A. J.; Kraegen, E. W.; James, D. E.; Cooney, G. J.;
Cell Metabolism 11 (1) :70-6, 2010
OpenAccess publication Metabolic changes following a 1-year diet and exercise intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes
Albu, J. B.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Kelley, D. E.; Smith, S. R.; Azuma, K.; Berk, E. S.; Pi-Sunyer, F. X.; Ravussin, E.;
DIABETES 59 (3) :627-33, 2010
OpenAccess publication Multiple checkpoints keep follicular helper T cells under control to prevent autoimmunity
Yu, D.; Vinuesa, C. G.;
Cellular & Molecular Immunology 7 (3) :198-203, 2010
OpenAccess publication Critical role for Y1 receptors in mesenchymal progenitor cell differentiation and osteoblast activity
Lee, N. J.; Doyle, K. L.; Sainsbury, A.; Enriquez, R. F.; Hort, Y. J.; Riepler, S. J.; Baldock, P. A.; Herzog, H.;
OpenAccess publication Association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D, somatic muscle weakness and falls risk in end-stage renal failure
Boudville, N.; Inderjeeth, C.; Elder, G. J.; Glendenning, P.;
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 73 (3) :299-304, 2010
OpenAccess publication Chronic high-fat diet in fathers programs beta-cell dysfunction in female rat offspring
Ng, S. F.; Lin, R. C.; Laybutt, D. R.; Barres, R.; Owens, J. A.; Morris, M. J.;
NATURE 467 (7318) :963-6, 2010
OpenAccess publication A high-throughput assay for modulators of mitochondrial membrane potential identifies a novel compound with beneficial effects on db/db mice
Qiu, B.; Turner, N; Li, Y.; Gu, M.; Huang, W.; Wu, R.; Pang, T.; Nan, F. Ye, J.; Li, Y.; Li, J.
DIABETES 59 (1) :256-65, 2010
OpenAccess publication Gastrointestinal peptides and bone health
Wong, I. P.; Baldock, P. A.; Herzog, H.
Current Opinion in Endocrinology Diabetes and Obesity 17 (1) :44-50, 2010 10.1097/MED.0b013e3283344a05