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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication DNA methylation: bisulphite modification and analysis
Patterson, K.; Molloy, L.; Qu, W.; Clark, S.
Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments (56) :e3170, 2011 3170 [pii] 10.3791/3170
OpenAccess publication Low calretinin expression and high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio are poor prognostic factors in patients with malignant mesothelioma undergoing extrapleural pneumonectomy
Kao, S.C.; Klebe, S.; Henderson, D.W.; Reid, G.; Chatfield, M.; Armstrong, N.J.; Yan, T.; Vardy, J.; Clarke, S.; van Zandwijk, N.; McCaughan, B.
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 6 (11) :1923-1929, 2011
OpenAccess publication Staying alive: regulation of plasma cell survival
Tangye, S. G.
TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 32 (12) :595-602, 2011 10.1016/
OpenAccess publication Impact of the genome on the epigenome is manifested in DNA methylation patterns of imprinted regions in monozygotic and dizygotic twins.
Coolen, M.W.; Statham, A.L.; Qu, W.; Campbell, M.J.; Henders, A.K.; Montgomery, G.W.; Martin, N.G.; Clark, S.J.
PLoS One 6 (10) :e25590, 2011 10.1371/journal.pone.0025590 PONE-D-11-10374 [pii]
OpenAccess publication Islet transplantation: factors in short-term islet survival
Deters, N.A.; Stokes, R.A.; Gunton, J.E.
ARCHIVUM IMMUNOLOGIAE ET THERAPIAE EXPERIMENTALIS 59 (6) :421-9, 2011 10.1007/s00005-011-0143-0
OpenAccess publication Immunotherapy of allergic diseases by bacterial products
Sewell, W. A.; Thomas, W. R.:
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 89 (7) :749-50, 2011
OpenAccess publication Identification of RhoGAP22 as an Akt-dependent regulator of cell motility in response to insulin
Rowland, A.F., Larance, M., Hughes, W.E., James, D.E.
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 31 (23) :4789-800, 2011
OpenAccess publication miRNA-dependent gene silencing involving Ago2-mediated cleavage of a circular antisense RNA
Hansen, T. B.; Wiklund, E. D.; Bramsen, J. B.; Villadsen, S. B.; Statham, A. L.; Clark, S. J.; Kjems, J.;
EMBO JOURNAL 30 (21) :4414-22, 2011
OpenAccess publication Salivary PYY: a putative bypass to satiety
Acosta, A.; Hurtado, M. D.; Gorbatyuk, O.; La Sala, M.; Duncan, D.; Aslanidi, G.; Campbell-Thompson, M.; Zhang, L.; Herzog, H.; Voutetakis, A.; Baum, B. J.; Zolotukhin, S.;
PLoS One 6 (10) :e26137, 2011
OpenAccess publication Specific expression of GPR56 by human cytotoxic lymphocytes
Peng, Y. M.; van de Garde, M. D.; Cheng, K. F.; Baars, P. A.; Remmerswaal, E. B.; van Lier, R. A.; Mackay, C. R.; Lin, H. H.; Hamann, J.:
OpenAccess publication Inhibition of id1 augments insulin secretion and protects against high-fat diet-induced glucose intolerance
Akerfeldt, M. C; Laybutt, D. R.
DIABETES (10) :2506-1460, 2011 db11-0083 [pii] 10.2337/db11-0083
OpenAccess publication Interaction of human, rat, and mouse immunoglobulin A (IgA) with Staphylococcal Superantigen-like 7 (SSL7) decoy protein and leukocyte IgA receptor.
Wines, B.D.; Ramsland, P.A.; Trist, H.M.; Garham, S.; Brink, R.; Fraser, J.D; Hogarth, PM.:
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 286 (38) :33118-24, 2011 M111.272252 [pii] 10.1074/jbc.M111.272252
OpenAccess publication Quantitative proteomic analysis of the adipocyte plasma membrane
Prior, M. J.; Larance, M.; Lawrence, R. T.; Soul, J.; Humphrey, S.; Burchfield, J.; Kistler, C.; Davey, J. R.; La-Borde, P. J.; Buckley, M.; Kanazawa, H.; Parton, R. G.; Guilhaus, M.; James, D. E.
JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 10 (11) :4970-82, 2011
OpenAccess publication IL28B, HLA-C and KIR variants additively predict response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C virus infection in a European cohort: A cross-sectional study.
Suppiah, V.; Gaudieri, S.; Armstrong, N.; O'Connor, K.S.; Berg, T.; Weltman, M.; Abate, M.L.; Spengler, U.; Bassendine, M.; Dore, G.J.; Irving, W.L.; Powell, E.; Hellard, M.; Riordan, S.; Matthews, G.; Sheridan, D.; Nattermann, J.; Smedile, A.; Muller, T.; Hammond, E.; Dunn, D.; Negro, F.; Bochud, P.; Mallal, S.; Ahlenstiel, G.; Stewart, G.J.; George, J.; Booth, D.R.
PLOS MED 8 (9) :e1001092, 2011
OpenAccess publication Lineage specific methylation of the Elf5 promoter in mammary epithelial cells.
Lee, H.J.; Hinshelwood, R.A.; Bouras, T.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Valdes-Mora, F.; Blazek, K.; Visvader, J.E.; Clark, S.J.; Ormandy, C.J.
STEM CELLS 29 (10) :1611-9, 2011
OpenAccess publication Predicting fractures in an international cohort using risk factor algorithms without BMD
Sambrook, P. N.; Flahive, J.; Hooven, F. H.; Boonen, S.; Chapurlat, R.; Lindsay, R.; Nguyen, T. V.; Diez-Perez, A.; Pfeilschifter, J.; Greenspan, S. L.; Hosmer, D.; Netelenbos, J. C.; Adachi, J. D.; Watts, N. B.; Cooper, C.; Roux, C.; Rossini, M.; Siris, E. S.; Silverman, S.; Saag, K. G.; Compston, J. E.; Lacroix, A.; Gehlbach, S.;