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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Chlamydia muridarum lung infection in infants alters hematopoietic cells to promote allergic airway disease in mice
Starkey, M. R.; Kim, R. Y.; Beckett, E. L.; Schilter, H. C.; Shim, D.; Essilfie, A. T.; Nguyen, D. H.; Beagley, K. W.; Mattes, J.; Mackay, C. R.; Horvat, J. C.; Hansbro, P. M.;
PLoS One 7 (8) :e42588, 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0042588
OpenAccess publication Genetics and the individualized prediction of fracture.
Nguyen, T.V.; Eisman, J.A.
Current Osteoporosis Reports 10 (3) :236-44, 2012 10.1007/s11914-012-0113-4
OpenAccess publication The heart of the matter: cardiometabolic care in youth with psychosis
Curtis, J.; Newall, H. D.; Samaras, K.;
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 6 (3) :347-53, 2012
OpenAccess publication B cells as effectors and regulators of autoimmunity
Marino, E.; Grey, S. T.
AUTOIMMUNITY 45 (5) :377-87, 2012 10.3109/08916934.2012.665527
OpenAccess publication Subcongenic analyses reveal complex interactions between distal chromosome 4 genes controlling diabetogenic B cells and CD4 T cells in nonobese diabetic mice
Stolp, J.; Chen, Y. G.; Cox, S. L.; Henck, V.; Zhang, W.; Tsaih, S. W.; Chapman, H.; Stearns, T.; Serreze, D. V.; Silveira, P. A.:
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 189 (3) :1406-17, 2012 jimmunol.1200120 [pii] 10.4049/jimmunol.1200120
OpenAccess publication Central and peripheral mechanisms of the NPY system in the regulation of bone and adipose tissue.
Shi, Y.C.; Baldock, P.A.
BONE 50 (2) :430-6, 2012 10.1016/j.bone.2011.10.001
OpenAccess publication Targeting tumour-initiating cells with trail based combination therapy ensures complete and lasting eradication of multiple myeloma tumours in vivo.
Vitovski, S.; Chantry, A.D.; Lawson, M.A.; Croucher, P.I.
PLoS One 7 (5) :e35830, 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0035830
OpenAccess publication Integrative genome-wide expression and promoter DNA methylation profiling identifies a novel panel of ovarian cancer epigenetic biomarkers.
Gloss, B.S.; Patterson, K.I.; Barton, C.A.; Gonzalez, M.; Scurry, J.P.; Hacker, N.F.; Sutherland, R.L.; O'Brien, P.M.; Clark, S.J.;
CANCER LETTERS 318 :76-85, 2012 10.1016/j.canlet.2011.12.003
OpenAccess publication The response of neuregulin 1 mutant mice to acute restraint stress
Chesworth, R.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Cappas, E.; Arnold, J.; Sainsbury, A.; Karl, T.
NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 82-6 (1) :82-6, 2012 10.1016/j.neulet.2012.03.024
OpenAccess publication Increased circulating miR-625-3p - a potential biomarker for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Kirschner, M.B.; Cheng, Y.Y.; Badrian, B.; Kao, S.C.; Creaney, J.; Edelman, J.J.B.; Armstrong, N.J.; Vallely, M.P.; Musk, A.W.; Robinson, B.W.S.; McCaughan, B.C.; Klebe, S.; Mutsaers, S.E.; van Zandwijk, N.; Reid, G.
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 7 (7) :1184-1191, 2012 10.1097/JTO.0b013e3182572e83
OpenAccess publication Association between beta-blockers and fracture risk: A Bayesian meta-analysis
Yang, S.; Nguyen, N.D.; Eisman, J.A.; Nguyen, T.V.
BONE 51 (5) :969-74, 2012 10.1016/j.bone.2012.07.013
OpenAccess publication Making the first fracture the last fracture: ASBMR task force report on secondary fracture prevention.
Eisman, J.A.; Bogoch, E.R.; Dell, R.; Harrington, J.T.; McKinney Jr, R.E.; McLellan, A.; Mitchell, P.J.; Silverman, S.; Singleton, R.; Siris, E.; for the ASBMR Task Force on Secondary Fracture Prevention
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 27 (10) :2039-2046, 2012 10.1002/jbmr.1698
OpenAccess publication B-cell cross-presentation of autologous antigen precipitates diabetes.
Marino, E.; Tan, B.; Binge, L.; Mackay, C. R.; Grey, S. T.
DIABETES 61 (11) :2893-905, 2012 10.2337/db12-0006
OpenAccess publication A soluble bone morphogenetic protein type IA receptor increases bone mass and bone strength
Baud'huin, M.; Solban, N.; Cornwall-Brady, M.; Sako, D.; Kawamoto, Y.; Liharska, K.; Lath, D.; Bouxsein, M.L.; Underwood, K.W.; Ucran, J.; Kumar, R.; Pobre, E.; Grinberg, A.V.; Seehra, J.; Canalis, E.; Pearsall, R.S.; Croucher, P.I.
OpenAccess publication The influence of ethnicity on the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with gestational diabetes: a prospective study and review of the literature
Girgis, C. M.; Gunton, J. E.; Cheung, N. W.:
ENDOCRINOLOGY 2012 :341638, 2012 10.5402/2012/341638
OpenAccess publication Metabolic rate and membrane fatty acid composition in birds: a comparison between long-living parrots and short-living fowl
Montgomery, M. K.; Hulbert, A. J.; Buttemer, W. A.;