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Copy-number-aware differential analysis of quantitative DNA sequencing data


Developments in microarray and high throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have resulted in a rapid expansion of research into epigenomic changes that occur in normal development and in the progression of disease, such as cancer. Not surprisingly, copy number variation (CNV) has a direct effect on HTS read densities and can therefore bias differential detection results. We have developed a flexible approach called ABCD-DNA (Affinity Based Copy-number-aware Differential quantitative DNA sequencing analyses) that integrates CNV and other systematic factors directly into the differential enrichment engine.

Type Journal
ISBN 1549-5469 (Electronic) 1088-9051 (Linking)
Authors Robinson, M. D.; Strbenac, D.; Stirzaker, C.; Statham, A. L.; Song, J. Z.; Speed, T. P.; Clark, S. J.;
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Susan Clark
Published Date 2012-08-11
Published Volume 22
Published Issue 12
Published Pages 2489-96
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1101/gr.139055.112
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version