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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication The good, the bad and the ugly - TFH cells in human health and disease
Tangye, S. G.; Ma, C. S.; Brink, R.; Deenick, E. K.
NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 13 (6) :412-26, 2013 10.1038/nri3447
OpenAccess publication Nonsense mutation in the LGR4 gene is associated with several human diseases and other traits.
Styrkarsdottir, U.; Thorleifsson, G.; Sulem, P.; Gudbjartsson, D.F.; Sigurdsson, A.; Jonasdottir, A.; Jonasdottir, A.; Oddsson, A.; Helgason, A.; Magnusson, O.T.; Walters, G.B.; Frigge, M.L.; Helgadottir, H.T.; Johannsdottir, H.; Bergsteinsdottir, K.; Ogmundsdottir, M.H.; Center, J.R.; Nguyen, T.V.; Eisman, J.A.; Christiansen, C.; Steingrimsson, E.; Jonasson, J.G.; Tryggvadottir, L.; Eyjolfsson, G.I.; Theodors, A.; Jonsson, T.; Ingvarsson, T.; Olafsson, I.; Rafnar, T.; Kong, A.; Sigurdsson, G.; Masson, G.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Stefansson, K.
NATURE 497 (7450) :517-20, 2013 10.1038/nature12124
OpenAccess publication Excess mortality attributable to hip-fracture: A relative survival analysis
Frost, S.A.; Nguyen, N.D.; Center, J.R.; Eisman, J.A.; Nguyen, T.V.
BONE 56 (1) :23-29, 2013 10.1016/j.bone.2013.05.006
OpenAccess publication The impact of breast cosmetic and functional outcomes on quality of life: long-term results from the St. George and Wollongong randomized breast boost trial
Hau, E. ; Browne, L. ; Capp, A. ; Delaney, G. P. ; Fox, C. ; Kearsley, J. H. ; Millar, E. ; Nasser, E. H. ; Papadatos, G. ; Graham, P. H.;
OpenAccess publication Mouse strain-dependent variation in obesity and glucose homeostasis in response to high-fat feeding
Montgomery, M. K.; Hallahan, N. L.; Brown, S. H.; Liu, M.; Mitchell, T. W.; Cooney, G. J.; Turner, N.
DIABETOLOGIA 56 :1129-39, 2013 10.1007/s00125-013-2846-8
OpenAccess publication Failure of the adaptive unfolded protein response in islets of obese mice is linked with abnormalities in beta-cell gene expression and progression to diabetes
Chan, J. Y.; Luzuriaga, J.; Bensellam, M.; Biden, T. J.; Laybutt, D. R.
DIABETES 62 (5) :1557-68, 2013 10.2337/db12-0701
OpenAccess publication Non-coding RNAs in homeostasis, disease and stress responses: an evolutionary perspective
Amaral, P. P.; Dinger, M. E.; Mattick, J. S.;
Briefings in Functional Genomics 12 (3) :254-78, 2013
OpenAccess publication When is a u-curve actually a j-curve? Is it really too much of a good thing?
Eisman, J.A.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 98 (5) :1863-4, 2013 10.1210/jc.2013-1890
A Master Cistromic Circuit Governing Hepatic Fibrogenesis
Ning Ding1, Ruth T. Yu1, Nanthakumar Subramaniam3, Mathias Leblanc1, Caroline Wilson3, Renuka Rao3, Mingxiao He1, Sally Coulter3, Christopher Scott3, Mara Sherman1, Sue L. Lau4, Annette R. Atkins1, Grant D. Barish1, Jenny E. Gunton4, Christopher Liddle3, Michael Downes1, Ronald M. Evans1,2
CELL 2013
OpenAccess publication A vitamin D receptor/SMAD genomic circuit gates hepatic fibrotic response
Ding, N.; Yu, R. T.; Subramaniam, N.; Sherman, M. H.; Wilson, C.; Rao, R.; Leblanc, M.; Coulter, S.; He, M.; Scott, C.; Lau, S. L.; Atkins, A. R.; Barish, G. D.; Gunton, J. E.; Liddle, C.; Downes, M.; Evans, R. M.;
CELL 153 (3) :601-13, 2013 10.1016/j.cell.2013.03.028
Compound risk of high mortality following osteoporotic fracture and re-fracture in elderly women and men
Bliuc, D.; Nguyen, N.D.; Nguyen, T.V.; Eisman, J.A.; Center, J.R.
J BONE MINER RES 28 (11) :2317-24, 2013
OpenAccess publication The chemotactic receptor EBI2 regulates the homeostasis, localization and immune function of splenic dendritic cells
Gatto, D.; Wood, K; Caminschi, I.; Murphy-Durland, D.; Schofield, P.; Christ, D.; Karupiah, G.; Brink, R.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 14 (5) :446-53, 2013 10.1038/ni.2555
OpenAccess publication Previous maternal infection protects offspring from enterovirus infection and prevents experimental diabetes development in mice
Larsson, P. G.; Lakshmikanth, T.; Svedin, E.; King, C.; Flodstrom-Tullberg, M.
DIABETOLOGIA 56 (4) :867-74, 2013 10.1007/s00125-013-2834-z
OpenAccess publication Treatment of triple negative breast cancer using anti-EGFR directed radioimmunotherapy combined with radio-sensitizing chemotherapy and PARP inhibitor
Al-Ejeh, F.; Shi, W.; Miranda, M.; Timpson, P.T.; Vargas, A.C.; Song, S.; Wiegmans, A.P.; Swarbrick, A.; Brown, M.P.; Chenevix-Trench, G.; Lakhani, S.R.; Khanna, K.K.;
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 54 (6) :913-921, 2013 10.2967/jnumed.112.111534
OpenAccess publication Sirtuin-1 regulates acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and supports cancer cell viability in pancreatic cancer
Wauters, E. ; Sanchez-Arevalo Lobo, V. J. ; Pinho, A. V. ; Mawson, A. ; Herranz, D. ; Wu, J. ; Cowley, M. J. ; Colvin, E. K. ; Njicop, E. N. ; Sutherland, R. L. ; Liu, T. ; Serrano, M. ; Bouwens, L. ; Real, F. X. ; Biankin, A. V. ; Rooman, I.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (7) :2357-67, 2013
OpenAccess publication Formoterol, a highly beta2-selective agonist, increases energy expenditure and fat utilisation in men
Lee, P. Day, R. O. Greenfield, J. R. Ho, K. K.;