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The good, the bad and the ugly - TFH cells in human health and disease


Antibody production is an important feature of the vertebrate immune system. Antibodies neutralize and clear pathogens, thereby protecting against infectious diseases. Such humoral immunity has great longevity, often persisting for the host's lifetime. Long-lived humoral immunity depends on help provided by CD4(+) T cells, namely T follicular helper (TFH) cells, which support the differentiation of antigen-specific B cells into memory and plasma cells. TFH cells are stringently regulated, as aberrant TFH cell activity is involved in immunopathologies such as autoimmunity, immunodeficiencies and lymphomas. The elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate TFH cell differentiation, function and fate should highlight targets for novel therapeutics.

Type Journal
Authors Tangye, S. G.; Ma, C. S.; Brink, R.; Deenick, E. K.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Stuart Tangye
Published Date 2013-05-27
Published Volume 13
Published Issue 6
Published Pages 412-26
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1038/nri3447
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version