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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication B-lymphocyte therapy for Type 2 diabetes: the ?B? side of diabetic medication?
Grey, S. T.
Immunotherapy 5 (7) :669-72, 2013 10.2217/imt.13.52
OpenAccess publication An algorithm for generating small RNAs capable of epigenetically modulating transcriptional gene silencing and activation in human cells
Ackley, A.; Lenox, A.; Stapleton, K.; Knowling, S.; Lu, T.; Sabir, K. S.; Vogt P. K. ; Morris, K. V.
MOLECULAR THERAPY 2 :e104, 2013 10.1038/mtna.2013.33
OpenAccess publication Individualized fracture risk assessment: progresses and challenges
Nguyen, T.V.; Center, J.R.; Eisman, J.A.
CURRENT OPINION IN RHEUMATOLOGY 25 :532-41, 2013 10.1097/BOR.0b013e328361ff8c
Identifying key regulatory genes in the whole blood of septic patients to monitor underlying immune dysfunctions
Parnell, G. P. ; Tang, B. M. ; Nalos, M. ; Armstrong, N. J. ; Huang, S. J. ; Booth, D. R. ; McLean, A. S.;
SHOCK 40 (3) :166-74, 2013
OpenAccess publication B cell localization: regulation by EBI2 and its oxysterol ligand
Gatto, D; Brink, R
TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 34 (7) :336-41, 2013 10.1016/
OpenAccess publication Functional characterization of cancer-associated Gab1 mutations.
Ortiz-Padilla, C.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Browne, B. C.; Hochgrafe, F.; Caldon, C. E.; Lyons, R. J.; Croucher, D. R.; Rickwood, D.; Ormandy, C. J.; Brummer, T.; Daly, R. J.
ONCOGENE 2013 10.1038/onc.2012.271 onc2012271 [pii]
OpenAccess publication To B1 or not to B1 ? that really is the question!
Tangye, S. G.
Blood 121 (26) :5109-10, 2013 10.1182/blood-2013-05-500074
OpenAccess publication Dynamic adipocyte phosphoproteome reveals that Akt directly regulates mTORC2
Humphrey, S. J.; Yang, G.; Yang, P.; Fazakerley, D. J.; Stockli, J.; Yang, J. Y.; James, D. E.
Cell Metabolism 17 (6) :1009-20, 2013 10.1016/j.cmet.2013.04.010
OpenAccess publication Prefrontal microcircuit underlies contextual learning after hippocampal loss
Zelikowsky, M.; Bissiere, S.; Hast, T.A.; Bennett, R.Z.; Abdipranoto, A.; Vissel, B.; Fanselow, M.S
OpenAccess publication Annexin A6 is a scaffold for PKC? to promote EGFR inactivation.
Koese, M.; Rentero, C.; Vila de Muga, S.; Kota, B.P.; Wood, P.; Cains, R.; Reverter, M.; Alvarez-Guaita, A.; Monastyrskaya, K.; Hughes, W.E.; Tebar, F.; Daly, R.J.; Enrich, C.; Grewal, T.
ONCOGENE 28 (3) :363-377, 2013 10.1038/onc.2012.303
OpenAccess publication Epigenetic-induced repression of microRNA-205 is associated with MED1 activation and a poorer prognosis in localized prostate cancer
Hulf, T.; Sibbritt, T.; Wiklund, E.D.; Patterson, K.; Song, J.Z.; Stirzaker, C.; Qu, W.; Nair, S.; Horvath, L.G.; Armstrong, N.J.; Kench, J.G.; Sutherland, R.L.; Clark, S.J.
ONCOGENE 32 (23) :2891-9, 2013 10.1038/onc.2012.300
OpenAccess publication Brown adipose tissue in adult humans: a metabolic renaissance
Lee, P.; Swarbrick M.M.; Ho, K.K.Y.
ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 34 (3) :413-38, 2013 10.1210/er.2012-1081
OpenAccess publication MGMT expression and pituitary tumours: relationship to tumour biology
McCormack, A. ; Kaplan, W. ; Gill, A. J. ; Little, N. ; Cook, R.; Robinson, B.; Clifton-Bligh, R.;
Pituitary 16 (2) :208-19, 2013
OpenAccess publication Enhanced peroxisomal beta-oxidation is associated with prevention of obesity and glucose intolerance by fish oil-enriched diets
Fiamoncini, J. ; Turner, N. ; Hirabara, S. M. ; Salgado, T. M.; Marcal, A. C. ; Leslie, S. ; da Silva, S. M.; Deschamps, F. C.; Luz, J. ; Cooney, G. J. ; Curi, R.;
Obesity 21 (6) :1200-7, 2013
Dense genotyping of immune-related disease regions identifies nine new risk loci for primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Liu, J.Z.; Hov, J.R.; Folseraas, T.; Ellinghaus, E.; Rushbrook, S.M.; Doncheva, N.T.; Andreassen, O.A.; Weersma, R.K.; Weismuller, T.J.; Eksteen, B.; Invernizzi, P.; Hirschfield, G.M.; Gotthardt, D.N.; Pares, A.; Ellinghaus, D.; Shah, T.; Juran, B.D.; Milkiewicz, P.; Rust, C.; Schramm, C.; Muller, T.; Srivastava, B.; Dalekos, G.; Nothen, M.M.; Herms, S.; Winkelmann, J.; Mitrovic, M.; Braun, F.; Ponsioen, C.Y.; Croucher, P.J.; Sterneck, M.; Teufel, A.; Mason, A.L.; Saarela, J.; Leppa, V.; Dorfman, R.; Alvaro, D.; Floreani, A.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Rich, S.S.; Thompson, W.K.; Schork, A.J.; Naess, S.; Thomsen, I.; Mayr, G.; Konig, I.R.; Hveem, K.; Cleynen, I.; Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Ricano-Ponce, I.; van Heel, D.; Bjornsson, E.; Sandford, R.N.; Durie, P.R.; Melum, E.; Vatn, M.H.; Silverberg, M.S.; Duerr, R.H.; Padyukov, L.; Brand, S.; Sans, M.; Annese, V.; Achkar, J.P.; Boberg, K.M.; Marshall, H.U.; Chazouilleres, O.; Bowlus, C.L.; Wijmenga, C.; Schrumpf, E.; Vermeire, S.; Albrecht, M.; The UK-PSCSC Consortium; The International IBD Genetics Consortium; Rioux, J.D.; Alexander, G.; Bergquist, A.; Cho, J.; Schreiber, S.; Manns, M.P.; Farkkila, M.; Dale, A.M.; Chapman, R.W.; Lazaridis, K.N.; The International PSC Study Group; Franke, A.; Anderson, C.A.; Karlsen, T.H.
NAT GENET 45 (6) :670-5, 2013
OpenAccess publication Intravital FLIM-FRET imaging reveals dasatinib-induced spatial control of src in pancreatic cancer
Nobis, M.; McGhee, E. J.; Morton, J. P.; Schwarz, J. P.; Karim, S. A.; Quinn, J.; Edward, M.; Campbell, A. D.; McGarry, L. C.; Evans, T. R.; Brunton, V. G.; Frame, M. C.; Carragher, N. O.; Wang, Y.; Sansom, O. J.; Timpson, P.; Anderson, K. I.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (15) :4674-86, 2013