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B-lymphocyte therapy for Type 2 diabetes: the ?B? side of diabetic medication?


Type 2 diabetes is a common chronic metabolic disease that has a strong association with serious long-term health complications. These complications include an overall reduction in life expectancy and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease as well as microvascular complications leading to end-stage organ damage. It is clear that the prevalence of diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. In the USA alone, nearly 26 million people live with diabetes, with the total economic health care costs for treating diagnosed diabetes in the USA estimated to be US$245 billion for 2012 [1]. Similar challenges face both developing and developed nations, driving the search for a better understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel treatments.

Type Journal
Authors Grey, S. T.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Shane Grey
Publisher Name Immunotherapy
Published Date 2013-07-09
Published Volume 5
Published Issue 7
Published Pages 669-72
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.2217/imt.13.52
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version