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6429 items matching your search terms.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling and immune regulation: insights into disease pathogenesis and clinical implications
Nguyen, T.; Deenick, E. K.; Tangye, S. G.
Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 17 (8) :905-914, 2021 10.1080/1744666X.2021.1945443
Dual-Tracer Positron-Emission Tomography Using Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen and Fluorodeoxyglucose for Staging of Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review
McGeorge, S.; Kwok, M.; Jiang, A.; Emmett, L.; Pattison, D. A.; Thomas, P. A.; Yaxley, J. W.; Roberts, M. J.
Advances in Urology 2021 :1544208, 2021 10.1155/2021/1544208
Update on the Role of Neuropeptide Y and Other Related Factors in Breast Cancer and Osteoporosis
Lin, S. T.; Li, Y. Z.; Sun, X. Q.; Chen, Q. Q.; Huang, S. F.; Lin, S.; Cai, S. Q.
Frontiers in Endocrinology 12 :705499, 2021 10.3389/fendo.2021.705499
Neuropeptide Y: An Update on the Mechanism Underlying Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction
Li, M. M.; Zheng, Y. L.; Wang, W. D.; Lin, S.; Lin, H. L.
Frontiers in Physiology 12 :712281, 2021 10.3389/fphys.2021.712281
Cutting Edge: Recruitment, Retention, and Migration Underpin Functional Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Regulatory T Cells in Tumors
Ikebuchi, R.; Moriya, T.; Ueda, M.; Yasuda, I.; Kusumoto, Y.; Chtanova, T.; Tomura, M.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 207 (3) :771-776, 2021 10.4049/jimmunol.2001083
Machine learning and network-based models to identify genetic risk factors to the progression and survival of colorectal cancer
Hossain, M. J.; Chowdhury, U. N.; Islam, M. B.; Uddin, S.; Ahmed, M. B.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Moni, M. A.
COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 135 :104539, 2021 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104539
Understanding the impact of SNPs associated with autism spectrum disorder on biological pathways in the human fetal and adult cortex
Golovina, E.; Fadason, T.; Lints, T. J.; Walker, C.; Vickers, M. H.; O'Sullivan, J. M.
Scientific Reports 11 (1) :15867, 2021 10.1038/s41598-021-95447-z
Phantom epistasis between unlinked loci
Hemani, G.; Powell, J. E.; Wang, H.; Shakhbazov, K.; Westra, H. J.; Esko, T.; Henders, A. K.; McRae, A. F.; Martin, N. G.; Metspalu, A.; Franke, L.; Montgomery, G. W.; Goddard, M. E.; Gibson, G.; Yang, J.; Visscher, P. M.
NATURE 596 (7871) :E1-E3, 2021 10.1038/s41586-021-03765-z
Regulation of neuropeptide Y in body microenvironments and its potential application in therapies: a review
Zhang, Y.; Liu, C. Y.; Chen, W. C.; Shi, Y. C.; Wang, C. M.; Lin, S.; He, H. F.
Cell and Bioscience 11 (1) :151, 2021 10.1186/s13578-021-00657-7
Neutrophil Interactions with the Lymphatic System
Jakovija, A.; Chtanova, T.
Cells 10 (8) 2021 10.3390/cells10082106
Significant detection of new germline pathogenic variants in Australian Pancreatic Cancer Screening Program participants
Murali, K.; Dwarte, T. M.; Nikfarjam, M.; Tucker, K. M.; Vaughan, R. B.; Efthymiou, M.; Collins, A.; Spigelman, A. D.; Salmon, L.; Johns, A. L.; Williams, D. B.; Delatycki, M. B.; John, T.; Stoita, A.
Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 19 (1) :33, 2021 10.1186/s13053-021-00190-1
SAMD9L autoinflammatory or ataxia pancytopenia disease mutations activate cell-autonomous translational repression
Russell, A. J.; Gray, P. E.; Ziegler, J. B.; Kim, Y. J.; Smith, S.; Sewell, W. A.; Goodnow, C. C.
New Insights Into Osteoclast Biology
McDonald, M. M.; Kim, A. S.; Mulholland, B. S.; Rauner, M.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH PLUS 5 (9) :e10539, 2021 10.1002/jbm4.10539
Co-expression of calcium and hERG potassium channels reduces the incidence of proarrhythmic events
Ballouz, S.; Mangala, M. M.; Perry, M. D.; Heitmann, S.; Gillis, J. A.; Hill, A. P.; Vandenberg, J. I.
CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 117 (10) :2216-2227, 2021 10.1093/cvr/cvaa280
Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in ~4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for ~20% of COVID-19 deaths
Bastard, P.; Gervais, A.; Le Voyer, T.; Rosain, J.; Philippot, Q.; Manry, J.; Michailidis, E.; Hoffmann, H. H.; Eto, S.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Bizien, L.; Parra-Martinez, A.; Yang, R.; Haljasmagi, L.; Migaud, M.; Sarekannu, K.; Maslovskaja, J.; de Prost, N.; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte, Y.; Luyt, C. E.; Amador-Borrero, B.; Gaudet, A.; Poissy, J.; Morel, P.; Richard, P.; Cognasse, F.; Troya, J.; Trouillet-Assant, S.; Belot, A.; Saker, K.; Garcon, P.; Riviere, J. G.; Lagier, J. C.; Gentile, S.; Rosen, L. B.; Shaw, E.; Morio, T.; Tanaka, J.; Dalmau, D.; Tharaux, P. L.; Sene, D.; Stepanian, A.; Megarbane, B.; Triantafyllia, V.; Fekkar, A.; Heath, J. R.; Franco, J. L.; Anaya, J. M.; Sole-Violan, J.; Imberti, L.; Biondi, A.; Bonfanti, P.; Castagnoli, R.; Delmonte, O. M.; Zhang, Y.; Snow, A. L.; Holland, S. M.; Biggs, C.; Moncada-Velez, M.; Arias, A. A.; Lorenzo, L.; Boucherit, S.; Coulibaly, B.; Anglicheau, D.; Planas, A. M.; Haerynck, F.; Duvlis, S.; Nussbaum, R. L.; Ozcelik, T.; Keles, S.; Bousfiha, A. A.; El Bakkouri, J.; Ramirez-Santana, C.; Paul, S.; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Hammarstrom, L.; Dupont, A.; Kurolap, A.; Metz, C. N.; Aiuti, A.; Casari, G.; Lampasona, V.; Ciceri, F.; Barreiros, L. A.; Dominguez-Garrido, E.; Vidigal, M.; Zatz, M.; van de Beek, D.; Sahanic, S.; Tancevski, I.; Stepanovskyy, Y.; Boyarchuk, O.; Nukui, Y.; Tsumura, M.; Vidaur, L.; Tangye, S. G.; Burrel, S.; Duffy, D.; Quintana-Murci, L.; Klocperk, A.; Kann, N. Y.; Shcherbina, A.; Lau, Y. L.; Leung, D.; Coulongeat, M.; Marlet, J.; Koning, R.; Reyes, L. F.; Chauvineau-Grenier, A.; Venet, F.; Monneret, G.; Nussenzweig, M. C.; Arrestier, R.; Boudhabhay, I.; Baris-Feldman, H.; Hagin, D.; Wauters, J.; Meyts, I.; Dyer, A. H.; Kennelly, S. P.; Bourke, N. M.; Halwani, R.; Sharif-Askari, N. S.; Dorgham, K.; Sallette, J.; Sedkaoui, S. M.; AlKhater, S.; Rigo-Bonnin, R.; Morandeira, F.; Roussel, L.; Vinh, D. C.; Ostrowski, S. R.; Condino-Neto, A.; Prando, C.; Bonradenko, A.; Spaan, A. N.; Gilardin, L.; Fellay, J.; Lyonnet, S.; Bilguvar, K.; Lifton, R. P.; Mane, S.; Lab, Hgid; Clinicians, Covid; Clinicians, Covid-Storm; Group, Niaid Immune Response to COVID; Group, Nh-Covair Study; Danish, Chge; Danish Blood Donor, Study; St. James's, Hospital; group, Sars CoV2 Interest; French, Covid Cohort Study Group; Imagine, Covid-Group; Milieu Interieur, Consortium; Co, V. Contact Cohort; Amsterdam, U. M. C. Covid; Biobank, Investigators; Effort, Covid Human Genetic; cohort, Constances; Study, C. Dijon; Cerba, Health-Care; Etablissement du Sang study, group; Anderson, M. S.; Boisson, B.; Beziat, V.; Zhang, S. Y.; Vandreakos, E.; Hermine, O.; Pujol, A.; Peterson, P.; Mogensen, T. H.; Rowen, L.; Mond, J.; Debette, S.; de Lamballerie, X.; Duval, X.; Mentre, F.; Zins, M.; Soler-Palacin, P.; Colobran, R.; Gorochov, G.; Solanich, X.; Susen, S.; Martinez-Picado, J.; Raoult, D.; Vasse, M.; Gregersen, P. K.; Piemonti, L.; Rodriguez-Gallego, C.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Su, H. C.; Kisand, K.; Okada, S.; Puel, A.; Jouanguy, E.; Rice, C. M.; Tiberghien, P.; Zhang, Q.; Cobat, A.; Abel, L.; Casanova, J. L.
Science Immunology 6 (62) :eabl4340, 2021 10.1126/sciimmunol.abl4340
Human STAT3 variants underlie autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome by negative dominance
Asano, T.; Khourieh, J.; Zhang, P.; Rapaport, F.; Spaan, A. N.; Li, J.; Lei, W. T.; Pelham, S. J.; Hum, D.; Chrabieh, M.; Han, J. E.; Guerin, A.; Mackie, J.; Gupta, S.; Saikia, B.; Baghdadi, J. E. I.; Fadil, I.; Bousfiha, A.; Habib, T.; Marr, N.; Ganeshanandan, L.; Peake, J.; Droney, L.; Williams, A.; Celmeli, F.; Hatipoglu, N.; Ozcelik, T.; Picard, C.; Abel, L.; Tangye, S. G.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Zhang, Q.; Puel, A.; Beziat, V.; Casanova, J. L.; Boisson, B.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 218 (8) :e20202592, 2021 10.1084/jem.20202592