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Towards engineering heart tissues from bioprinted cardiac spheroids


Currentin vivoandin vitromodels fail to accurately recapitulate the human heart microenvironment for biomedical applications. This study explores the use of cardiac spheroids (CSs) to biofabricate advancedin vitromodels of the human heart. CSs were created from human cardiac myocytes, fibroblasts and endothelial cells (ECs), mixed within optimal alginate/gelatin hydrogels and then bioprinted on a microelectrode plate for drug testing. Bioprinted CSs maintained their structure and viability for at least 30 d after printing. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promoted EC branching from CSs within hydrogels. Alginate/gelatin-based hydrogels enabled spheroids fusion, which was further facilitated by addition of VEGF. Bioprinted CSs contracted spontaneously and under stimulation, allowing to record contractile and electrical signals on the microelectrode plates for industrial applications. Taken together, our findings indicate that bioprinted CSs can be used to biofabricate human heart tissues for long termin vitrotesting. This has the potential to be used to study biochemical, physiological and pharmacological features of human heart tissue.

Type Journal
ISBN 1758-5090 (Electronic) 1758-5082 (Linking)
Authors Polonchuk, L.; Surija, L.; Lee, M. H.; Sharma, P.; Liu Chung Ming, C.; Richter, F.; Ben-Sefer, E.; Rad, M. A.; Mahmodi Sheikh Sarmast, H.; Shamery, W. A.; Tran, H. A.; Vettori, L.; Haeusermann, F.; Filipe, E. C.; Rnjak-Kovacina, J.; Cox, T.; Tipper, J.; Kabakova, I.; Gentile, C.
Responsible Garvan Author Associate Professor Thomas Cox
Publisher Name Biofabrication
Published Date 2021-08-31
Published Volume 13
Published Issue 4
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1088/1758-5090/ac14ca
URL link to publisher's version