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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication A role for the gut microbiota and the metabolite sensing receptor GPR43 in a murine model of gout
Vieira, A. T. ; Macia, L. ; Galvao, I. ; Martins, F. S. ; Canesso, M. C. ; Amaral, F. A. ; Garcia, C. C. ; Maslowski, K. M. ; De Leon, E. ; Shim, D. ; Nicoli, J. R. ; Harper, J. L. ; Teixeira, M. M. ; Mackay, C. R.;
Arthritis & Rheumatology 67 (6) :1646-56, 2015
OpenAccess publication Osteochondral regeneration with a novel aragonite-hyaluronate biphasic scaffold: up to 12-month follow-up study in a goat model
Kon, E. ; Filardo, G. ; Shani, J. ; Altschuler, N. ; Levy, A. ; Zaslav, K. ; Eisman, J. E. ; Robinson, D.;
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 10 :81, 2015
OpenAccess publication Inherited susceptibility to pancreatic cancer in the era of next-generation sequencing
Humphris, J. ; Chang, D. K. ; Biankin, A. V.;
GASTROENTEROLOGY 148 (3) :496-498, 2015
OpenAccess publication Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture
Zheng, H. F. ; Forgetta, V. ; Hsu, Y. H. ; Estrada, K. ; Rosello-Diez, A. ; Leo, P. J. ; Dahia, C. L. ; Park-Min, K. H. ; Tobias, J. H. ; Kooperberg, C. ; Kleinman, A. ; Styrkarsdottir, U. ; Liu, C. T. ; Uggla, C. ; Evans, D. S. ; Nielson, C. M. ; Walter, K. ; Pettersson-Kymmer, U. ; McCarthy, S. ; Eriksson, J. ; Kwan, T. ; Jhamai, M. ; Trajanoska, K. ; Memari, Y. ; Min, J.; et al.
NATURE 526 (7571) :112-7, 2015
Analysis of 13 cell types reveals evidence for the expression of numerous novel primate- and tissue-specific microRNAs
Londin, E. ; Loher, P. ; Telonis, A. G. ; Quann, K. ; Clark, P. ; Jing, Y. ; Hatzimichael, E. ; Kirino, Y. ; Honda, S. ; Lally, M. ; Ramratnam, B. ; Comstock, C. E. ; Knudsen, K. E. ; Gomella, L. ; Spaeth, G. L. ; Hark, L. ; Katz, L. J. ; Witkiewicz, A. ; Rostami, A. ; Jimenez, S. A. ; Hollingsworth, M. A. ; Yeh, J. J. ; Shaw, C. A. ; McKenzie, S. E. ; Bray, P. ; Nelson
LipiD-QuanT: a novel method to quantify lipid accumulation in live cells
Varinli, H. ; Osmond-McLeod, M. J. ; Molloy, P. L. ; Vallotton, P.;
JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH 56 (11) :2206-16, 2015
Monoclonal precursor T-cell infiltrate in recurrent thymoma: a case report
Sasson, S. C. ; Smith, S. A. ; Qiu, M. R. ; Stone, E. C. ; Sewell, W. A.;
PATHOLOGY 47 (4) :375-7, 2015
OpenAccess publication NPY Y2 receptors in the central amygdala reduce cued but not contextual fear
Verma, D. ; Wood, J. ; Lach, G. ; Mietzsch, M. ; Weger, S. ; Heilbronn, R. ; Herzog, H. ; Bonaventure, P. ; Sperk, G. ; Tasan, R. O.;
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 99 :665-674, 2015
OpenAccess publication Thyrostimulin Regulates Osteoblastic Bone Formation During Early Skeletal Development
Bassett, J. H. ; van der Spek, A. ; Logan, J. G. ; Gogakos, A. ; Bagchi-Chakraborty, J. ; Murphy, E. ; van Zeijl, C. ; Down, J. ; Croucher, P. I. ; Boyde, A. ; Boelen, A. ; Williams, G. R.;
ENDOCRINOLOGY 156 (9) :3098-113, 2015
OpenAccess publication HENMT1 and piRNA Stability Are Required for Adult Male Germ Cell Transposon Repression and to Define the Spermatogenic Program in the Mouse
Lim, S. L.; Qu, Z. P.; Kortschak, R. D.; Lawrence, D. M.; Geoghegan, J.; Hempfling, A. L.; Bergmann, M.; Goodnow, C. C.; Ormandy, C. J.; Wong, L.; Mann, J.; Scott, H. S.; Jamsai, D.; Adelson, D. L.; O'Bryan, M. K.;
PLOS GENET 11 (10) :e1005620, 2015
Not so sweet: autoimmune diabetes mellitus on triple therapy for chronic hepatitis C infection
Blanchard, E. ; Vickers, C. R. ; Samaras, K.;
DIABETIC MEDICINE 32 (2) :e1-3, 2015
OpenAccess publication Surveillance recommendations for patients with germline TP53 mutations
Ballinger, M. L.; Mitchell, G.; Thomas, D. M.;
CURRENT OPINION IN ONCOLOGY 27 (4) :332-337, 2015
Multiplex bisulfite PCR resequencing of clinical FFPE DNA
Korbie, D. ; Lin, E. ; Wall, D. ; Nair, S. S. ; Stirzaker, C. ; Clark, S. J. ; Trau, M.;
Clinical Epigenetics 7 (1) :28, 2015
OpenAccess publication Relationship between Body Mass Index and Percent Body Fat in Vietnamese: Implications for the Diagnosis of Obesity
Ho-Pham, L. T. ; Lai, T. Q. ; Nguyen, M. T. ; Nguyen, T. V.;
PLoS One 10 (5) :e0127198, 2015
Regulation of energy homeostasis by the NPY system
Loh, K. ; Herzog, H. ; Shi, Y. C.;
OpenAccess publication PhosphOrtholog: a web-based tool for cross-species mapping of orthologous protein post-translational modifications
Chaudhuri, R. ; Sadrieh, A. ; Hoffman, N. J. ; Parker, B. L. ; Humphrey, S. J. ; Stockli, J. ; Hill, A. P. ; James, D. E. ; Yang, J. Y.;
BMC Genomics 16 :617, 2015