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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Medium-term oncologic outcomes for extended versus saturation biopsy and transrectal versus transperineal biopsy in active surveillance for prostate cancer
Thompson, J. E. ; Hayen, A. ; Landau, A. ; Haynes, A. M. ; Kalapara, A. ; Ischia, J. ; Matthews, J. ; Frydenberg, M. ; Stricker, P. D.;
BJU International 115 (6) :884-91, 2015
OpenAccess publication FAS inactivation releases "Rogue" Germinal Center B cells that escape antigen control and drive IgE and autoantibody production
Butt D, Chan TD, Bourne K, Hermes JR, Nguyen A, O'Reilly L, Strasser A, Schofield P, Christ D,; Basten A, Ma C, Tangye S, Phan TG, Rao VK and Brink R
IMMUNITY 42 (5) :890-902, 2015
Primate immune responses to HIV-1 Env formulated in the saponin-based adjuvant AbISCO-100 in the presence or absence of TLR9 co-stimulation
Martinez, P.; Sundling, C.; O'Dell, S.; Mascola, J. R.; Wyatt, R. T.; Karlsson Hedestam, G. B.
Scientific Reports 5 :8295, 2015
OpenAccess publication Fully human VH single domains that rival the stability and cleft recognition of camelid antibodies
Rouet R.; Dudgeon K.; Christie M.; Langley D.; Christ D.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 290 (19) :11905-17, 2015
OpenAccess publication STAT3 is a critical cell intrinsic regulator of human unconventional T cell numbers and function
Wilson RP, Ives ML, Rao G, Lau A, Payne K, Kobayashi M, Arkwright PD, Peake J, Wong M, Adelstein S, Smart JM, French MA, Fulcher DA, Picard C, Bustamante J, Boisson-Dupuis S, Gray P, Stepensky P, Warnatz K, Freeman AF, Rossjohn J, McCluskey J, Holland SM, Casanova JL, Uze G, Ma C, Tangye SG and Deenick E.
OpenAccess publication Unfolding the secrets of coral-algal symbiosis
Rosic, N.N.; Ling, E.Y.S.; Chan, C.-K.K.; Lee, H.C.; Kaniewska, P.;Edwards, D.; Dove, S.; Hoegh-Guldberg, O.
ISME Journal 9 :844-856, 2015
OpenAccess publication Osteoclasts control reactivation of dormant myeloma cells by remodelling the endosteal niche
Lawson, M.A.; McDonald, M.M.; Kovacic, N.; Khoo, W.H.; Terry, R.L.; Down, J.; Kaplan, K.; Paton-Hough, J.; Fellows, C.; Pettitt, J.A.; Dear, T.N.; Van Valckenborgh, E.; Baldock, P.A.; Rogers, M.J.; Eaton, C.L.; Vanderkerken, K.; Pettit, A.R.; Quinn, J.M.W.; Zannettino, A.C.W.; Phan, T.G.; Croucher, P.I
Nature Communications 6 :8983, 2015
OpenAccess publication ID4 controls mammary stem cells and marks breast cancers with a stem cell-like phenotype
Junankar, S.; Baker, L. A.; Roden, D. L.; Nair, R.; Elsworth, B.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Lacaze, P.; Cazet, A.; Nikolic, I.; Teo, W. S.; Yang, J.; McFarland, A.; Harvey, K.; Naylor, M. J.; Lakhani, S. R.; Simpson, P. T.; Raghavendra, A.; Saunus, J.; Madore, J.; Kaplan, W.; Ormandy, C.; Millar, E. K.; O'Toole, S.; Yun, K.; Swarbrick, A.;
Nature Communications 6 :6548, 2015
Structural basis for epitope masking and strain specificity of a conserved epitope in an intrinsically disordered malaria vaccine candidate
Morales, R. A.; MacRaild, C. A.; Seow, J.; Krishnarjuna, B.; Drinkwater, N.; Rouet, R.; Anders, R. F.; Christ, D.; McGowan, S.; Norton, R. S.;
Scientific Reports 5 :10103, 2015
OpenAccess publication Telling the tiger by its stripes: mapping the genomics of kidney graft tolerance in real time
Roden, D. L. ; Grey, S. T.;
KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL 87 (5) :875-7, 2015
OpenAccess publication Hepatocyte- specific deletion of ARNT (aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator) results in altered fibrotic gene expression in the thioacetamide model of liver injury
Scott , C.; Cheng, K.; Adams, M.; Stokes, R. A.; Ho, K.W.; George, J,; Gonzalez, F.J.; Gunton, J. E.:
HEPATOLOGY 10 (3) :e0121650, 2015
OpenAccess publication Cyclin E2 is the predominant E-cyclin associated with NPAT in breast cancer cells
Rogers, S.; Gloss, B. S.; Lee, C. S.; Sergio, C. M.; Dinger, M. E.; Musgrove, E. A.; Burgess, A.; Caldon, C. E.;
Cell Division 10 :1, 2015
OpenAccess publication Identification of subgroup-specific miRNA patterns by epigenetic profiling of sporadic and Lynch syndrome associated colorectal and endometrial carcinoma.
Kaur, S.; Lotsari, J.E.; Al-Sohaily, S.; Warusavitarne, J.; Kohonen-Corish, M.; Peltomaki, P.
Clinical Epigenetics 7 (1) :20, 2015
OpenAccess publication Subcutaneous fat transplantation alleviates diet-induced glucose intolerance and inflammation in mice
Hocking, S. L.; Stewart, R. L.; Brandon, A. E.; Suryana, E.; Stuart, E.; Baldwin, E. M.; Kolumam, G. A.; Modrusan, Z.; Junutula, J. R.; Gunton, J. E.; Medynskyj, M.; Blaber, S. P.; Karsten, E.; Herbert, B. R.; James, D. E.; Cooney, G. J.; Swarbrick, M. M.;
DIABETOLOGIA 58 (7) :1587-600, 2015
OpenAccess publication T follicular helper cells have distinct modes of migration and molecular signatures in naive and memory immune responses
Suan, D.; Nguyen, A.; Moran, I.; Bourne, K.; Hermes, J. R.; Arshi, M.; Hampton, H. R.; Tomura, M.; Miwa, Y.; Kelleher, A. D.; Kaplan, W.; Deenick, E. K.; Tangye, S. G.; Brink, R.; Chtanova, T.; Phan, T. G.;
IMMUNITY 42 (4) :704-18, 2015
OpenAccess publication Advances in IL-21 biology - enhancing our understanding of human disease
Tangye, S. G.