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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Structure and function of the amygdaloid NPY system: NPY Y2 receptors regulate excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in the centromedial amygdala
Wood, J. ; Verma, D. ; Lach, G. ; Bonaventure, P. ; Herzog, H. ; Sperk, G. ; Tasan, R. O.;
Brain Structure & Function 221 (7) :3373-91, 2016
OpenAccess publication Disruption of the Class IIa HDAC Corepressor Complex Increases Energy Expenditure and Lipid Oxidation
Gaur, V.; Connor, T.; Sanigorski, A.; Martin, S. D.; Bruce, C. R.; Henstridge, D. C.; Bond, S. T.; McEwen, K. A.; Kerr-Bayles, L.; Ashton, T. D.; Fleming, C.; Wu, M.; Pike Winer, L. S.; Chen, D.; Hudson, G. M.; Schwabe, J. W.; Baar, K.; Febbraio, M. A.; Gregorevic, P.; Pfeffer, F. M.; Walder, K. R.; Hargreaves, M.; McGee, S. L.;
Cell Reports 16 (11) :2802-10, 2016
OpenAccess publication A Novel Mutation in Nucleoporin 35 Causes Murine Degenerative Colonic Smooth Muscle Myopathy
Parish, I. A.; Stamp, L. A.; Lorenzo, A. M.; Fowler, S. M.; Sontani, Y.; Miosge, L. A.; Howard, D. R.; Goodnow, C. C.; Young, H. M.; Furness, J. B.;
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 186 (9) :2254-61, 2016
OpenAccess publication Avenues to autoimmune arthritis triggered by diverse remote inflammatory challenges
Chevalier, N. ; Tan, J. K. ; Mason, L. J. ; Robert, R. ; McKenzie, C. I. ; Lim, F. ; Wong, C. H. ; Macia, L. ; Thorburn, A. N. ; Russ, B. E. ; Masters, S. L. ; Mackay, C. R.;
OpenAccess publication Naïve and memory B cells exhibit distinct biochemical responses following BCR engagement
Moens, L.; Kane, A.; Tangye, SG.
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 94 (8) :774-786, 2016 10.1038/icb.2016.41
OpenAccess publication mTORC1 Is a Major Regulatory Node in the FGF21 Signaling Network in Adipocytes
Minard, A. Y. ; Tan, S. X. ; Yang, P. ; Fazakerley, D. J. ; Domanova, W. ; Parker, B. L. ; Humphrey, S. J. ; Jothi, R. ; Stockli, J. ; James, D. E.;
Cell Reports 17 (1) :29-36, 2016
OpenAccess publication Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase contributes to the regulation of glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
Lee-Young, R. S.; Hoffman, N. J.; Murphy, K. T.; Henstridge, D. C.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Siebel, A. L.; Iliades, P.; Zivanovic, B.; Hong, Y. H.; Colgan, T. D.; Kraakman, M. J.; Bruce, C. R.; Gregorevic, P.; McConell, G. K.; Lynch, G. S.; Drummond, G. R.; Kingwell, B. A.; Greenfield, J. R.; Febbraio, M. A.;
Molecular Metabolism 5 (11) :1083-1091, 2016
OpenAccess publication Monogenic and polygenic determinants of sarcoma risk: an international genetic study
Ballinger, M. L.; Goode, D. L.; Ray-Coquard, I.; James, P. A.; Mitchell, G.; Niedermayr, E.; Puri, A.; Schiffman, J. D.; Dite, G. S.; Cipponi, A.; Maki, R. G.; Brohl, A. S.; Myklebost, O.; Stratford, E. W.; Lorenz, S.; Ahn, S. M.; Ahn, J. H.; Kim, J. E.; Shanley, S.; Beshay, V.; Randall, R. L.; Judson, I.; Seddon, B.; Campbell, I. G.; Young, M. A.; Sarin, R.; Blay, J. Y.; O'Donoghue, S. I.; Thomas, D. M.; International Sarcoma Kindred, Study;
LANCET ONCOLOGY 17 (9) :1261-71, 2016
OpenAccess publication The Delta133p53 isoform and its mouse analogue Delta122p53 promote invasion and metastasis involving pro-inflammatory molecules interleukin-6 and CCL2
Roth, I.; Campbell, H.; Rubio, C.; Vennin, C.; Wilson, M.; Wiles, A.; Williams, G.; Woolley, A.; Timpson, P.; Berridge, M. V.; Fleming, N.; Baird, M.; Braithwaite, A. W.;
ONCOGENE 35 (38) :4981-9, 2016
OpenAccess publication Compartmentalization of Total and Virus-Specific Tissue-Resident Memory CD8+ T Cells in Human Lymphoid Organs
Woon, H. G.; Braun, A.; Li, J.; Smith, C.; Edwards, J.; Sierro, F.; Feng, C. G.; Khanna, R.; Elliot, M.; Bell, A.; Hislop, A. D.; Tangye, S. G.; Rickinson, A. B.; Gebhardt, T.; Britton, W. J.; Palendira, U.;
PLoS Pathogens 12 (8) :e1005799, 2016
OpenAccess publication The Expanding Spectrum of NFkB1 Deficiency
Bryant, V.; Tangye, SG.;
OpenAccess publication Uncertain effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on fracture risk reduction
Frost, S. A.; Nguyen, T. V.;
Does statin use cause memory decline in the elderly?
Samaras, K.; Brodaty, H.; Sachdev, P. S.;
OpenAccess publication Bone remodeling during pregnancy and post-partum assessed by metal lead levels and isotopic concentrations
Gulson, B.; Taylor, A.; Eisman, J.;
BONE 89 :40-51, 2016
OpenAccess publication EBI2 unlocks the door to the Tfh cell nursery
Brink, R.;
OpenAccess publication Mental illness: the forgotten burden on diabetes populations?
Macdonald, G. C.; Campbell, L. V.;
LANCET 388 (10044) :561, 2016