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The Effect of Changing Scan Mode on Trabecular Bone Score Using Lunar Prodigy


Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a measure of gray scale homogeneity that correlates with trabecular microarchitecture and is an independent predictor of fracture risk. TBS is being increasingly used in the assessment of patients at risk of osteoporosis and has recently been incorporated into FRAX(R). GE Lunar machines acquire spine scans using 1 of 3 acquisition modes depending on abdominal tissue thickness (thin, standard, and thick). From a database review, 30 patients (mean body mass index: 30.8, range 26.2-34.1) were identified who had undergone lumbar spine DXA scans (GE Lunar Prodigy, software 14.10; Lunar Radiation Corporation, Madison, WI) in both standard mode and thick mode, on the same day with no repositioning. Lumbar spine bone mineral density (L1-L4) and TBS were derived from the 30 paired spine scans. There was no significant difference in lumbar spine bone mineral density between the 2 scanning modes. There were, however, significant higher TBS values from the spine scans acquired in thick mode compared to the TBS values derived from spine acquisitions in standard mode (mean TBS difference: 0.24 [20%], standard deviation +/-0.10). In conclusion, these preliminary data suggest that TBS values acquired in the GE Lunar Prodigy are dependent on the scanning mode used. Further evaluation is required to confirm the cause and develop appropriate protocols.

Type Journal
ISBN 1094-6950 (Print) 1094-6950 (Linking)
Authors Chen, W.; Slattery, A.; Center, J.; Pocock, N.;
Published Date 2016-10-01
Published Volume 19
Published Issue 4
Published Pages 502-506
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version