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6429 items matching your search terms.
International collaboration in scientific research in Vietnam: an analysis of patterns and impact
Nguyen, T. V.; Ho-Le, T. P.; Le, U. V.
SCIENTOMETRICS 110 (2) :1035-1051, 2017 10.1007/s11192-016-2201-1
Prospective evaluation of 68Gallium-prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography for preoperative lymph node staging in prostate cancer
van Leeuwen, P. J.; Emmett, L.; Ho, B.; Delprado, W.; Ting, F.; Nguyen, Q.; Stricker, P. D.
BJU International 119 (2) :209-215, 2017 10.1111/bju.13540
OpenAccess publication Personalising prostate cancer care Part 1: Advances in diagnosis
Siriwardana, A.; Thompson, J.; Stricker, P.
Medicine Today 18 (2) :29-32, 2017
OpenAccess publication Is there a practical role for bone biopsy in chronic kidney disease?
Diamond, T.; Elder, G. J.
NEPHROLOGY 22 Suppl 2 :22-26, 2017 10.1111/nep.13017
Dopa-testotoxicosis: disruptive hypersexuality in hypogonadal men with prolactinomas treated with dopamine agonists
De Sousa, S. M.; Chapman, I. M.; Falhammar, H.; Torpy, D. J.
ENDOCRINE 55 (2) :618-624, 2017 10.1007/s12020-016-1088-1
OpenAccess publication The role of calcium and non calcium-based phosphate binders in chronic kidney disease
Elder, G. J.; Center, J.
NEPHROLOGY 22 Suppl 2 :42-46, 2017 10.1111/nep.13031
OpenAccess publication Chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorders; controversies and directions
Elder, G. J.
NEPHROLOGY 22 Suppl 2 :5-8, 2017 10.1111/nep.13022
Vitamin D pathway regulatory genes encoding 1alpha-hydroxylase and 24-hydroxylase are dysregulated in sinonasal tissue during chronic rhinosinusitis
Christensen, J. M.; Cheng, J.; Earls, P.; Gunton, J.; Sewell, W.; Sacks, R.; Harvey, R. J.
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 7 (2) :169-176, 2017 10.1002/alr.21852
OpenAccess publication ROCK signaling promotes collagen remodeling to facilitate invasive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tumor cell growth
Rath, N.; Morton, J. P.; Julian, L.; Helbig, L.; Kadir, S.; McGhee, E. J.; Anderson, K. I.; Kalna, G.; Mullin, M.; Pinho, A. V.; Rooman, I.; Samuel, M. S.; Olson, M. F.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 9 (2) :198-218, 2017 10.15252/emmm.201606743
Screening for ROS1 gene rearrangements in non-small-cell lung cancers using immunohistochemistry with FISH confirmation is an effective method to identify this rare target
Selinger, C. I.; Li, B. T.; Pavlakis, N.; Links, M.; Gill, A. J.; Lee, A.; Clarke, S.; Tran, T. N.; Lum, T.; Yip, P. Y.; Horvath, L.; Yu, B.; Kohonen-Corish, M. R.; O'Toole, S. A.; Cooper, W. A.
HISTOPATHOLOGY 70 (3) :402-411, 2017 10.1111/his.13076
OpenAccess publication Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Fasting Gastrointestinal, Pancreatic, and Adipose-Derived Hormones and on Non-Esterified Fatty Acids
Farey, J. E.; Preda, T. C.; Fisher, O. M.; Levert-Mignon, A. J.; Stewart, R. L.; Karsten, E.; Herbert, B. R.; Swarbrick, M. M.; Lord, R. V.
OBESITY SURGERY 27 (2) :399-407, 2017 10.1007/s11695-016-2302-1
Diagnostic accuracy of multi-parametric MRI and transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy in prostate cancer
Thompson, J. E.; Stricker, P. D.
LANCET 389 (10071) :767-768, 2017 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30121-6
OpenAccess publication IFN-gamma is required for cytotoxic T cell-dependent cancer genome immunoediting
Takeda, K.; Nakayama, M.; Hayakawa, Y.; Kojima, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Imai, N.; Ogasawara, K.; Okumura, K.; Thomas, D. M.; Smyth, M. J.
Nature Communications 8 :14607, 2017 10.1038/ncomms14607
OpenAccess publication An integrative approach unveils FOSL1 as an oncogene vulnerability in KRAS-driven lung and pancreatic cancer
Vallejo, A.; Perurena, N.; Guruceaga, E.; Mazur, P. K.; Martinez-Canarias, S.; Zandueta, C.; Valencia, K.; Arricibita, A.; Gwinn, D.; Sayles, L. C.; Chuang, C. H.; Guembe, L.; Bailey, P.; Chang, D. K.; Biankin, A.; Ponz-Sarvise, M.; Andersen, J. B.; Khatri, P.; Bozec, A.; Sweet-Cordero, E. A.; Sage, J.; Lecanda, F.; Vicent, S.
Nature Communications 8 :14294, 2017 10.1038/ncomms14294
OpenAccess publication Sex steroids and the GH axis: Implications for the management of hypopituitarism
Birzniece, V.; Ho, K. K. Y.
Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism 31 (1) :59-69, 2017 10.1016/j.beem.2017.03.003
OpenAccess publication Solving a weighty problem: systematic review and meta-analysis of nutrition interventions in severe mental illness
Teasdale, S. B.; Ward, P. B.; Rosenbaum, S.; Samaras, K.; Stubbs, B.
British Journal Of Psychiatry 210 (2) :110-118, 2017 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.177139