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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication The E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 regulates centriolar satellite stability and primary cilia
Shearer, R. F.; Frikstad, K. M.; McKenna, J.; McCloy, R. A.; Deng, N.; Burgess, A.; Stokke, T.; Patzke, S.; Saunders, D. N.
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 29 (13) :1542-1554, 2018 10.1091/mbc.E17-04-0248
alphabeta T-cell receptors with a central CDR3 cysteine are enriched in CD8alphaalpha intraepithelial lymphocytes and their thymic precursors
Wirasinha, R. C.; Singh, M.; Archer, S. K.; Chan, A.; Harrison, P. F.; Goodnow, C. C.; Daley, S. R.
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 96 (6) :553-561, 2018 10.1111/imcb.12047
Systemic Predictors of Eosinophilic Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Ho, J.; Hamizan, A. W.; Alvarado, R.; Rimmer, J.; Sewell, W. A.; Harvey, R. J.
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy 32 (4) :252-257, 2018 10.1177/1945892418779451
Optimizing Protein Harvest From Nasal Brushings for Determining Local Allergy Responses
Saricilar, E. C.; Hamizan, A.; Alvarado, R.; Rimmer, J.; Sewell, W.; Tatersall, J.; Barham, H. P.; Harvey, R.
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy 32 (4) :244-251, 2018 10.1177/1945892418777668
Recovering Gene Interactions from Single-Cell Data Using Data Diffusion
van Dijk, D.; Sharma, R.; Nainys, J.; Yim, K.; Kathail, P.; Carr, A. J.; Burdziak, C.; Moon, K. R.; Chaffer, C. L.; Pattabiraman, D.; Bierie, B.; Mazutis, L.; Wolf, G.; Krishnaswamy, S.; Pe'er, D.
CELL 174 (3) :716-729 e27, 2018 10.1016/j.cell.2018.05.061
The Ubiquitin Ligase Adaptor NDFIP1 Selectively Enforces a CD8(+) T Cell Tolerance Checkpoint to High-Dose Antigen
Wagle, M. V.; Marchingo, J. M.; Howitt, J.; Tan, S. S.; Goodnow, C. C.; Parish, I. A.
Cell Reports 24 (3) :577-584, 2018 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.060
Indirect presentation in the thymus limits naive and regulatory T-cell differentiation by promoting deletion of self-reactive thymocytes
Yap, J. Y.; Wirasinha, R. C.; Chan, A.; Howard, D. R.; Goodnow, C. C.; Daley, S. R.
IMMUNOLOGY 154 (3) :522-532, 2018 10.1111/imm.12904
OpenAccess publication Food Overconsumption in Healthy Adults Triggers Early and Sustained Increases in Serum Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Changes in Cysteine Linked to Fat Gain
Elshorbagy, A. K.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Jerneren, F.; Turner, C.; Refsum, H.; Heilbronn, L. K.
JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 148 (7) :1073-1080, 2018 10.1093/jn/nxy062
RANKL Reduces Body Weight and Food Intake via the Modulation of Hypothalamic NPY/CART Expression
Zhu, P.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, X.; Liang, S.; Khandekar, N.; Song, Z.; Lin, S.
International Journal of Medical Sciences 15 (10) :969-977, 2018 10.7150/ijms.24373
Fluorescent in situ hybridization in surgical pathology practice
Gupta, R.; Cooper, W. A.; Selinger, C.; Mahar, A.; Anderson, L.; Buckland, M. E.; O'Toole, S. A.
Advances in Anatomic Pathology 25 (4) :223-237, 2018 10.1097/pap.0000000000000194
Association analyses of more than 140,000 men identify 63 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci
Schumacher, F. R.; Al Olama, A. A.; Berndt, S. I.; Benlloch, S.; Ahmed, M.; Saunders, E. J.; Dadaev, T.; Leongamornlert, D.; Anokian, E.; Cieza-Borrella, C.; Goh, C.; Brook, M. N.; Sheng, X.; Fachal, L.; Dennis, J.; Tyrer, J.; Muir, K.; Lophatananon, A.; Stevens, V. L.; Gapstur, S. M.; Carter, B. D.; Tangen, C. M.; Goodman, P. J.; Thompson, I. M., Jr.; Batra, J.; Chambers, S.; Moya, L.; Clements, J.; Horvath, L.; Tilley, W.; Risbridger, G. P.; Gronberg, H.; Aly, M.; Nordstrom, T.; Pharoah, P.; Pashayan, N.; Schleutker, J.; Tammela, T. L. J.; Sipeky, C.; Auvinen, A.; Albanes, D.; Weinstein, S.; Wolk, A.; Hakansson, N.; West, C. M. L.; Dunning, A. M.; Burnet, N.; Mucci, L. A.; Giovannucci, E.; Andriole, G. L.; Cussenot, O.; Cancel-Tassin, G.; Koutros, S.; Beane Freeman, L. E.; Sorensen, K. D.; Orntoft, T. F.; Borre, M.; Maehle, L.; Grindedal, E. M.; Neal, D. E.; Donovan, J. L.; Hamdy, F. C.; Martin, R. M.; Travis, R. C.; Key, T. J.; Hamilton, R. J.; Fleshner, N. E.; Finelli, A.; Ingles, S. A.; Stern, M. C.; Rosenstein, B. S.; Kerns, S. L.; Ostrer, H.; Lu, Y. J.; Zhang, H. W.; Feng, N.; Mao, X.; Guo, X.; Wang, G.; Sun, Z.; Giles, G. G.; Southey, M. C.; MacInnis, R. J.; FitzGerald, L. M.; Kibel, A. S.; Drake, B. F.; Vega, A.; Gomez-Caamano, A.; Szulkin, R.; Eklund, M.; Kogevinas, M.; Llorca, J.; Castano-Vinyals, G.; Penney, K. L.; Stampfer, M.; Park, J. Y.; Sellers, T. A.; Lin, H. Y.; Stanford, J. L.; Cybulski, C., et al.
NATURE GENETICS 50 (7) :928-936, 2018 10.1038/s41588-018-0142-8
Cost-effectiveness of population-based BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, RAD51D, BRIP1, PALB2 mutation testing in unselected general population women
Manchanda, R.; Patel, S.; Gordeev, V. S.; Antoniou, A. C.; Smith, S.; Lee, A.; Hopper, J. L.; MacInnis, R. J.; Turnbull, C.; Ramus, S. J.; Gayther, S. A.; Pharoah, P. D. P.; Menon, U.; Jacobs, I.; Legood, R.
JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute 110 (7) :714-725, 2018 10.1093/jnci/djx265
OpenAccess publication Female sex hormones are necessary for the metabolic effects mediated by loss of Interleukin 18 signaling
Lindegaard, B.; Abildgaard, J.; Heywood, S. E.; Pedersen, B. K.; Febbraio, M. A.
Molecular Metabolism 12 :89-97, 2018 10.1016/j.molmet.2018.04.005
OpenAccess publication APP deficiency results in resistance to obesity but impairs glucose tolerance upon high fat feeding
Czeczor, J. K.; Genders, A. J.; Aston-Mourney, K.; Connor, T.; Hall, L. G.; Hasebe, K.; Ellis, M.; De Jong, K. A.; Henstridge, D. C.; Meikle, P. J.; Febbraio, M. A.; Walder, K.; McGee, S. L.
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 237 (3) :311-322, 2018 10.1530/JOE-18-0051
The Emperor's New Clothes: What Randomized Controlled Trials Don't Cover
Eisman, J. A.; Geusens, P.; van den Bergh, J.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 33 (8) :1394-1396, 2018 10.1002/jbmr.3539
From vesicle to cytosol
Rogers, M. J.; Munoz, M. A.
eLife 7 :e38847, 2018 10.7554/eLife.38847