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Static droplet array for culturing single live adherent cells in an isolated chemical microenvironment


We present here a new method to easily and reliably generate an array of hundreds of dispersed nanoliter-volume semi-droplets for single-cells culture and analysis. The liquid segmentation step occurs directly in indexed traps by a tweezer-like mechanism and is stabilized by spatial confinement. Unlike common droplet-based techniques, the semi-droplet wets its surrounding trap walls thus supporting the culturing of both adherent and non-adherent cells. To eliminate cross-droplet cell migration and chemical cross-talk each semi-droplet is separated from a nearby trap by an approximately 80 pL air plug. The overall setup and injection procedure takes less than 10 minutes, is insensitive to fabrication defects and supports cell recovery for downstream analysis. The method offers a new approach to easily capture, image and culture single cells in a chemically isolated microenvironment as a preliminary step towards high-throughput single-cell assays.

Type Journal
ISBN 1473-0189
Authors Hassanzadeh-Barforoushi, A.; Law, A. M. K.; Hejri, A.; Asadnia, M.; Ormandy, C. J.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Ebrahimi Warkiani, M.
Responsible Garvan Author Dr David Gallego-Ortega
Publisher Name LAB ON A CHIP
Published Date 2018-07-24
Published Volume 18
Published Issue 15
Published Pages 2156-2166
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1039/c8lc00403j