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Molecular characterization of a human brain adenosine A2 receptor


A cDNA encoding a G protein-coupled receptor of unknown ligand specificity was isolated from a human hippocampal cDNA library by virtue of the high degree of structural homology between members of this receptor family. The cloned receptor DNA was transfected into human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Stably transfected cell lines bound a variety of adenosine agonists and antagonists with affinities characteristic of a brain adenosine A2a receptor. The A2a specific agonist CGS21680 stimulated cAMP production but did not alter intracellular calcium concentrations in transfected 293 cells.

Type Journal
ISBN 0169-328X (Print)
Authors Furlong, T. J.;Pierce, K. D.;Selbie, L. A.;Shine, J. :
Responsible Garvan Author Professor John Shine
Publisher Name Brain Res Mol Brain Res
Published Date 1992-01-01
Published Volume 15
Published Issue 1-2
Published Pages 62-6
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version