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Effects of exercise training and dietary manipulation on insulin-regulatable glucose-transporter mRNA in rat muscle


Both exercise training and dietary manipulation (increasing omega-3/omega-6 fat ratio) can ameliorate insulin resistance caused by a high-fat diet in rats. We determined whether alterations in the expression of the insulin-regulatable (IR) and/or HepG2 glucose-transporter (GT) mRNAs were similarly affected. There was a significantly higher level of IRGT mRNA in skeletal muscle from exercise-trained versus sedentary high-fat-fed rats (27% increase, P less than 0.01). This difference is consistent with previously reported increases in muscle insulin-mediated glucose uptake. Skeletal muscle HepG2GT mRNA was too low to detect any training effect, but there was a tendency toward higher levels with training in cardiac muscle. In contrast, dietary manipulation, previously shown to lead to a much greater increase (100-300%) in muscle insulin-mediated glucose uptake, did not change IRGT or HepG2GT mRNA in skeletal muscle or heart. Thus, both dietary manipulation and exercise training increase insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle, but only exercise training increases IRGT mRNA. Therefore, exercise training apparently increases GT production, whereas dietary manipulation improves glucose transport in skeletal muscle by other mechanisms.

Type Journal
ISBN 0012-1797 (Print)
Authors Wake, S. A.;Sowden, J. A.;Storlien, L. H.;James, D. E.;Clark, P. W.;Shine, J.;Chisholm, D. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Publisher Name DIABETES
Published Date 1991-01-01
Published Volume 40
Published Issue 2
Published Pages 275-9
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version