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Targeting BAFF: immunomodulation for autoimmune diseases and lymphomas


In an effort to develop more effective treatments for inflammatory diseases, immunologists have targeted numerous molecular pathways, but with limited success. Notable exceptions are anti-TNF agents, which have proved efficacious in a proportion of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Another TNF family member, termed BAFF (""B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family""), plays a central role in autoimmune diseases, as well as in B cell maturation, survival, and T cell activation. Agents that block BAFF have proven to be highly effective in the treatment of certain autoimmune conditions in mice. In addition, phase II data in human clinical trials for RA appear very promising. BAFF is also a survival factor for certain B cell lymphomas. Despite the relatively recent identification of BAFF, this molecule has provided considerable new insight into B cell homeostasis and immune function, and represents an important new molecular target for treatment of autoimmune diseases and lymphomas.

Type Journal
ISBN 0163-7258 (Print)
Authors Sutherland, A. P.;Mackay, F.;Mackay, C. R. :
Published Date 2006-01-01
Published Volume 112
Published Issue 3
Published Pages 774-86
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version