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Prolactin and growth hormone regulate adiponectin secretion and receptor expression in adipose tissue


Adiponectin is a hormone secreted from adipose tissue, and serum levels are decreased with obesity and insulin resistance. Because prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) can affect insulin sensitivity, we investigated the effects of these hormones on the regulation of adiponectin in human adipose tissue in vitro and in rodents in vivo. Adiponectin secretion was significantly suppressed by PRL and GH in in vitro cultured human adipose tissue. Furthermore, PRL increased adiponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1) mRNA expression and GH decreased AdipoR2 expression in the cultured human adipose tissue. In transgenic mice expressing GH, and female mice expressing PRL, serum levels of adiponectin were decreased. In contrast, GH receptor deficient mice had elevated adiponectin levels, while PRL receptor deficient mice were unaffected. In conclusion, we demonstrate gene expression of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 in human adipose tissue for the first time, and show that these are differentially regulated by PRL and GH. Both PRL and GH reduced adiponectin secretion in human adipose tissue in vitro and in mice in vivo. Decreased serum adiponectin levels have been associated with insulin resistance, and our data in human tissue and in transgenic mice suggest a role for adiponectin in PRL and GH induced insulin resistance.

Type Journal
ISBN 0006-291X (Print)
Authors Nilsson, L.;Binart, N.;Bohlooly, Y. M.;Bramnert, M.;Egecioglu, E.;Kindblom, J.;Kelly, P. A.;Kopchick, J. J.;Ormandy, C. J.;Ling, C.;Billig, H. :
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Chris Ormandy
Published Date 2005-01-01
Published Volume 331
Published Issue 4
Published Pages 1120-6
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version