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Human genomic DNA is widely interspersed with i-motif structures


DNA i-motif structures are formed in the nuclei of human cells and are believed to provide critical genomic regulation. While the existence, abundance, and distribution of i-motif structures in human cells has been demonstrated and studied by immunofluorescent staining, and more recently NMR and CUT&Tag, the abundance and distribution of such structures in human genomic DNA have remained unclear. Here we utilise high-affinity i-motif immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing to map i-motifs in the purified genomic DNA of human MCF7, U2OS and HEK293T cells. Validated by biolayer interferometry and circular dichroism spectroscopy, our approach aimed to identify DNA sequences capable of i-motif formation on a genome-wide scale, revealing that such sequences are widely distributed throughout the human genome and are common in genes upregulated in G0/G1 cell cycle phases. Our findings provide experimental evidence for the widespread formation of i-motif structures in human genomic DNA and a foundational resource for future studies of their genomic, structural, and molecular roles.

Type Journal
ISBN 1460-2075 (Electronic) 0261-4189 (Print) 0261-4189 (Linking)
Authors Pena Martinez, C. D.; Zeraati, M.; Rouet, R.; Mazigi, O.; Henry, J. Y.; Gloss, B.; Kretzmann, J. A.; Evans, C. W.; Ruggiero, E.; Zanin, I.; Marusic, M.; Plavec, J.; Richter, S. N.; Bryan, T. M.; Smith, N. M.; Dinger, M. E.; Kummerfeld, S.; Christ, D.
Publisher Name EMBO JOURNAL
Published Date 2024-10-30
Published Volume 43
Published Issue 20
Published Pages 4786-4804
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1038/s44318-024-00210-5
URL link to publisher's version