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Flow Cytometric Identification of Human IgE(+) B Lineage Subsets


The use of flow cytometry for immunophenotyping is contingent on the ability to accurately assign biological relevance to the detected signal. This process has historically been challenging when defining IgE expressing B cells or IgE expressing antibody-secreting cells due to widespread expression of receptors for IgE on various leukocyte subsets, including human B cells. Here we describe our implementation of intracellular staining for human IgE following a blocking step to negate the challenge of surface-bound IgE. We also describe our experience with a human B cell culture system that can be used to robustly validate this approach before application to primary human samples. Orthogonal confirmatory techniques remain essential; these are not described in detail, but several possible strategies are suggested.

Type Book
ISBN 1940-6029 (Electronic) 1064-3745 (Linking)
Authors Pathmanandavel, K.; Tangye, S. G.; Ma, C. S.
Publisher Name Methods in Molecular Biology
Published Date 2024-07-30
Published Volume 2826
Published Pages 189-199
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1007/978-1-0716-3950-4_14
URL link to publisher's version