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Screening study of TUBB4A in isolated dystonia


Mutations in TUBB4A have been identified to cause a wide phenotypic spectrum ranging from hereditary generalized dystonia with whispering dysphonia (DYT4) to the leukodystrophy hypomyelination syndrome with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum (H-ABC). To test for the contribution of TUBB4A mutations in different ethnicities (Spanish, Italian, Korean, Japanese), we screened 492 isolated dystonia cases for mutations in this gene and for the first time determined TUBB4A copy number variations in 336 dystonia patients. A potentially pathogenic rare 3bp-in-frame deletion was found in a patient with cervical dystonia but no copy number variations were detected in this study, suggesting that TUBB4A mutations exceedingly rarely contribute to the etiology of isolated dystonia.

Type Journal
ISBN 1353-8020
Authors Vulinovic, F.; Schaake, S.; Domingo, A.; Kumar, K. R.; Defazio, G.; Mir, P.; Simonyan, K.; Ozelius, L. J.; Bruggemann, N.; Chung, S. J.; Rakovic, A.; Lohmann, K.; Klein, C.
Responsible Garvan Author Dr Kishore Kumar
Published Date 2017-08-01
Published Volume 41
Published Pages 118-120
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2017.06.001
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