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New insights into the role of ID proteins in breast cancer metastasis: a MET affair


The establishment of lethal metastases depends on the capacity of a small number of cancer cells to regenerate a tumor after entering a target organ. Stankic and colleagues have identified a role for the inhibitor of differentiation protein, ID1, as a critical regulator of breast cancer stem-like properties and metastatic colonization. Under the control of tumor growth factor-beta signaling, ID1 induces mesenchymal-epithelial transition at the metastatic site by antagonizing the activity of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Twist1. This study sheds light on mechanisms that initiate metastatic outgrowth, and strengthens the concept that epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity is crucial at different stages of metastasis.

Type Journal
ISBN 1465-542X (Electronic) 1465-5411 (Linking)
Authors Teo, W. S.; Nair, R.; Swarbrick, A.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Alexander Swarbrick
Published Date 2014-05-15
Published Volume 16
Published Issue 2
Published Pages 305
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1186/bcr3654
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version