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PDl1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer is associated with tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes and improved outcome


Type Journal
ISBN 1465-3931 (Electronic) 0031-3025 (Linking)
Authors Beckers, R. K. ; Selinger, C. ; Vilain, R. ; Madore, J. ; Wilmott, J. S. ; Harvey, K. ; Holliday, A. ; Cooper, C. L. ; Robbins, E. ; Gillet, D. ; Kennedy, C. W. ; Gluch, L. ; Carmalt, H. ; Mak, C. ; Warrier, S. ; Gee, H. E. ; Chan, C. ; McLean, A. ; Walker, E. ; McNeil, C. M. ; Beith, J. M. ; Swarbrick, A. ; Scolyer, R. A. ; O'Toole, S. A.;
Publisher Name PATHOLOGY
Published Date 2016-01-01
Published Volume 48 Suppl 1
Published Pages S146-S147
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version