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M2 pore mutations convert the glycine receptor channel from being anion- to cation-selective


Three mutations in the M2 transmembrane domains of the chloride-conducting alpha1 homomeric glycine receptor (P250Delta, A251E, and T265V), which normally mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission, produced a cation-selective channel with P(Cl)/P(Na), = 0.27 (wild-type P(Cl)/P(Na) = 25), a permeability sequence P(Cs) > P(K) > P(Na) > P(Li), an impermeability to Ca(2+), and a reduced glycine sensitivity. Outside-out patch measurements indicated reversed and accentuated rectification with extremely low mean single channel conductances of 3 pS (inward current) and 11 pS (outward current). The three inverse mutations, to those analyzed in this study, have previously been shown to make the alpha7 acetylcholine receptor channel anion-selective, indicating a common location for determinants of charge selectivity of inhibitory and excitatory ligand-gated ion channels.

Type Journal
ISBN 0006-3495 (Print)
Authors Keramidas, A.;Moorhouse, A. J.;French, C. R.;Schofield, P. R.;Barry, P. H. :
Published Date 2000-01-01
Published Volume 79
Published Issue 1
Published Pages 247-59
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version