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Hedgehog signaling in the maintenance of cancer stem cells


Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a rare population of cells with the capacity to self-renew and give rise to heterogeneous cell lineages within a tumour. Whilst the mechanisms underlying the regulation of CSCs are poorly defined, key developmental signaling pathways required for normal stem and progenitor functions have been strongly implicated. Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is an evolutionarily-conserved pathway essential for self-renewal and cell fate determination. Aberrant Hh signaling is associated with the development and progression of various types of cancer and is implicated in multiple aspects of tumourigenesis, including the maintenance of CSCs. Here, we discuss the mounting evidence suggestive of Hh-driven CSCs in the context of haematological malignancies and solid tumours and the novel strategies that hold the potential to block many aspects of the transformation attributed to the CSC phenotype, including chemotherapeutic resistance, relapse and metastasis.

Type Journal
ISBN 2072-6694 (Electronic) 2072-6694 (Linking)
Authors Cochrane, C. R.; Szczepny, A.; Watkins, D. N.; Cain, J. E.;
Publisher Name Cancers
Published Date 2015-01-01
Published Volume 7
Published Issue 3
Published Pages 1554-1585
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version