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Osteoclasts control reactivation of dormant myeloma cells by remodelling the endosteal niche


Multiple myeloma is largely incurable, despite development of therapies that target myeloma cell-intrinsic pathways. Disease relapse is thought to originate from dormant myeloma cells, localized in specialized niches, which resist therapy and re-populate the tumor. However, little is known about the niche, and how it exerts cell-extrinsic control over myeloma cell dormancy and re-activation. In this study we track individual myeloma cells by intravital imaging as they colonize the endosteal niche, enter a dormant state and subsequently become activated to form colonies. We demonstrate that dormancy is a reversible state which is switched ‘on’ by engagement with bone lining cells or osteoblasts, and switched ‘off’ by osteoclasts remodeling the endosteal niche. Dormant myeloma cells are resistant to chemotherapy targeting dividing cells. The demonstration that the endosteal niche is pivotal in controlling myeloma cell dormancy highlights the potential for targeting cell-extrinsic mechanisms to overcome cellintrinsic drug resistance and prevent disease relapse.

Type Journal
Authors Lawson, M.A.; McDonald, M.M.; Kovacic, N.; Khoo, W.H.; Terry, R.L.; Down, J.; Kaplan, K.; Paton-Hough, J.; Fellows, C.; Pettitt, J.A.; Dear, T.N.; Van Valckenborgh, E.; Baldock, P.A.; Rogers, M.J.; Eaton, C.L.; Vanderkerken, K.; Pettit, A.R.; Quinn, J.M.W.; Zannettino, A.C.W.; Phan, T.G.; Croucher, P.I
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Peter Croucher
Publisher Name Nature Communications
Published Date 2015-05-01
Published Volume 6
Published Pages 8983
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version