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Histone deacetylase 5 blocks neuroblastoma cell differentiation by interacting with N-Myc


The N-Myc oncoprotein induces neuroblastoma, which arises from undifferentiated neuroblasts in the sympathetic nervous system, by modulating gene and protein expression and consequently causing cell differentiation block and cell proliferation. The class IIa histone deacetylase 5 (HDAC5) represses gene transcription, and blocks myoblast, osteoblast and leukemia cell differentiation. Here we showed that N-Myc upregulated HDAC5 expression in neuroblastoma cells. Conversely, HDAC5 repressed the ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4 gene expression, increased Aurora A gene expression and consequently upregulated N-Myc protein expression. Genome-wide gene expression analysis and protein co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that HDAC5 and N-Myc repressed the expression of a common subset of genes by forming a protein complex, whereas HDAC5 and the class III HDAC SIRT2 independently repressed the expression of another common subset of genes without forming a protein complex. Moreover, HDAC5 blocked differentiation and induced proliferation in neuroblastoma cells. Taken together, our data identify HDAC5 as a novel co-factor in N-Myc oncogenesis, and provide the evidence for the potential application of HDAC5 inhibitors in the therapy of N-Myc-induced neuroblastoma and potentially other c-Myc-induced malignancies.

Type Journal
ISBN 1476-5594 (Electronic) 0950-9232 (Linking)
Authors Sun, Y. ; Liu, P. Y. ; Scarlett, C. J. ; Malyukova, A. ; Liu, B. ; Marshall, G. M. ; MacKenzie, K. L. ; Biankin, A. V. ; Liu, T.;
Publisher Name ONCOGENE
Published Date 2014-01-01
Published Volume 33
Published Issue 23
Published Pages 2987-94
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version