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Endosomal sorting of GLUT4 and Gap1 is conserved between yeast and insulin-sensitive cells


The insulin-regulated trafficking of the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT4 in human fat and muscle cells and the nitrogen-regulated trafficking of the general amino acid permease Gap1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae share several common features: Both Gap1 and GLUT4 are nutrient transporters that are mobilised to the cell surface from an intracellular store in response to an environmental cue; both are polytopic membrane proteins harbouring amino acid targeting motifs in their C-terminal tails that are required for their regulated trafficking; ubiquitylation of both Gap1 and GLUT4 plays an important role in their regulated trafficking, as do the ubiquitin-binding GGA (Golgi-localised, gamma-ear-containing, ARF-binding) adaptor proteins. Here, we find that when expressed heterologously in yeast, human GLUT4 is subject to nitrogen-regulated trafficking in an ubiquitin-dependent manner similar to Gap1. In addition, by expressing a GLUT4/Gap1 chimeric protein in adipocytes we show that the carboxy-tail of Gap1 directs intracellular sequestration and insulin-regulated trafficking in adipocytes. These findings demonstrate that the trafficking signals and their cognate molecular regulatory machinery that mediate regulated exocytosis of membrane proteins are conserved across evolution.

Type Journal
ISBN 1477-9137 (Electronic) 0021-9533 (Linking)
Authors Shewan, A. M. ; McCann, R. K. ; Lamb, C. A. ; Stirrat, L. ; Kioumourtzoglou, D. ; Adamson, I. S.; Verma, S. James, D. E. Bryant, N. J.;
Published Date 2013-04-01
Published Volume 126
Published Issue Pt 7
Published Pages 1576-82
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version