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Validation of a minimal panel of antibodies for the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma


AIMS: We previously established the use of a minimal panel of antibodies as sufficient to diagnose most epithelial malignant mesothelioma (MPM). We aimed to validate this approach and investigate the utility of a D2-40 antibody. METHODS: A series of 80 MPM patients selected for surgery and 21 consecutive patients with pleural metastatic carcinoma were included. A minimal panel of antibodies, consisting of calretinin, BG8 and CD15, and D2-40 was investigated. RESULTS: There were 61 epithelial and 19 biphasic MPM as well as 12 metastatic lung, six breast (5 ductal adenocarcinomas, 1 mixed ductal/lobular adenocarcinoma), two serous papillary ovarian carcinomas and one moderately differentiated colorectal adenocarcinoma. The sensitivity of positive calretinin labelling to confirm the diagnosis of MPM was 97.5%, while the 'diagnostic sensitivities' of lack of labelling for BG8 and CD15 were 91.3% and 97.5%, respectively. The use of calretinin, BG8 and CD15 resulted in correct classification in 97.5% of all MPMs. All MPM cases investigated showed at least focal positive D2-40 labelling. CONCLUSIONS: We have validated the usefulness of a minimal panel of antibodies with calretinin, BG8 and CD15 as the initial step to the diagnosis of MPM. D2-40 emerged as a helpful diagnostic tool for cases where our initial approach failed to conclusively diagnose MPM.

Type Journal
Authors Kao, S. C.; Griggs, K.; Lee, K.; Armstrong, N.; Clarke, S.; Vardy, J.; van Zandwijk, N.; Burn, J.; McCaughan, B. C.; Henderson, D. W.; Klebe, S.
Publisher Name PATHOLOGY
Published Date 2011-09-01
Published Volume 43
Published Issue 4
Published Pages 313-7
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1097/PAT.0b013e32834642da
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version