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Concentration dependence of sodium permeation and sodium ion interactions in the cyclic AMP-gated channels of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons


The dependence of currents through the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the concentration of NaCl was studied in excised inside-out patches from their dendritic knobs using the patch-clamp technique. With a saturating concentration (100 microM) of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), the changes in the reversal potential of macroscopic currents were studied at NaCl concentrations from 25 to 300 mM. In symmetrical NaCl solutions without the addition of divalent cations, the current-voltage relations were almost linear, reversing close to 0 mV. When the external NaCl concentration was maintained at 150 mM and the internal concentrations were varied, the reversal potentials of the cAMP-activated currents closely followed the Na+ equilibrium potential indicating that PCl/PNa approximately 0. However, at low external NaCl concentrations (< or = 100 mM) there was some significant chloride permeability. Our results further indicated that Na+ currents through these channels: (i) did not obey the independence principle; (ii) showed saturation kinetics with K(m)s in the range of 100-150 mM and (iii) displayed a lack of voltage dependence of conductance in asymmetric solutions that suggested that ion-binding sites were situated midway along the channel. Together, these characteristics indicate that the permeation properties of the olfactory CNG channels are significantly different from those of photoreceptor CNG channels.

Type Journal
ISBN 0022-2631 (Print)
Authors Balasubramanian, S.;Lynch, J. W.;Barry, P. H. :
Publisher Name J Membr Biol
Published Date 1997-01-01
Published Volume 159
Published Issue 1
Published Pages 41-52
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version