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Native peptide inhibition. Specific inhibition of type II phospholipases A2 by synthetic peptides derived from the primary sequence


The binding of low molecular weight type II phospholipase A2 (EC) to membrane surfaces and hydrolysis of phospholipid are thought to involve the formation of a hydrophobic channel into which a single substrate molecule diffuses before cleavage. The floor and right side of the channel are provided by hydrophobic residues 2, 5, and 9 of an amphipathic amino-terminal helix. The channel is postulated to form via a conformational change in this helix and inward movement of a hydrophobic flap (residue 69 side chain). We show that the amino-terminal tryptic peptide of human type II phospholipase A2 forms a noncovalent complex with the tryptic peptide from residues 70-74 of the enzyme. Further, the 70-74-peptide sequence (FLSYK) dose-dependently inhibits phospholipid hydrolysis in a mixed micelle assay. This native peptide inhibition also occurred with type II enzymes from Crotalus durissus and Crotalus atrox, which have different amino acid sequences at the amino terminus as well as different 70-74 regions of the molecules. Despite significant conservation of tertiary structure among the enzymes, inhibition by each peptide is specific to the enzyme from which the peptide sequence is derived. We propose that these native peptides inhibit enzyme activity via a sequence-specific, noncovalent interaction with the amino-terminal residues of the enzyme, thereby preventing the conformational change on binding to the micelle interface. These experiments demonstrate a new method for specific inhibition of phospholipase A2 which, in principle, would be applicable to other biologically active polypeptides and proteins.

Type Journal
ISBN 0021-9258 (Print)
Authors Tseng, A.;Inglis, A. S.;Scott, K. F. :
Published Date 1996-01-01
Published Volume 271
Published Issue 39
Published Pages 23992-8
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version